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1864 - 1865
Hutchinson's Directory


Austin John, blacksmith 
Austin John, fisherman 
Austin Thomas, fisherman 
Austin Thomas, jun, fisherman 
Barrett George & Brothers, planters (South Side) 
Barrett George, planter 
Barrett Michael, planter 
Barrett Philip, planter 
Barrett William, fisherman 
Barron James, fisherman 
Barron Lawrence, farmer 
Barron Stephen, fisherman 
Beesu Edward jun, fisherman 
Beesu Edward sen, planter 
Beesu Francis, fisherman 
Beesu Patrick, fisherman 
Beesu Patrick jun, fisherman 
Bennett Mrs Francis 
Boldin James, fisherman 
Boldin John, farmer 
Boldin Michael, fisherman 
Brien Bartholomew, planter 
Brien George, planter 
Brien James, planter 
Brien James, planter  (South Side) 
Brien Patrick, fisherman 
Brien Terence, planter 
Brien William, planter 
Brophy John, fisherman 
Brophy Michael jun, fisherman 
Brophy Michael sen, farmer 
Brophy Thomas, fisherman 
Brown James, fisherman 
Brown John, fisherman 
Butler Edward, dealer (South Side) 
Butler Edward, farmer 
Butler James, fisherman 
Butler Thomas, fisherman 
Byrne John, fisherman 
Byrne John, fisherman 
Byrne Mrs, boarding house (South Side) 
Byrne Patrick, fisherman 
Byrne Peter, fisherman 
Carroll James, farmer 
Comeford Thomas, carpenter 
Coony Edward, fisherman 
Corbett Patrick, fisherman 
Crawley John, road surveyor and hotel keeper (South Side) 
Crawley John jun, fisherman 
Cunningham John, farmer 
Cunningham John, planter (North Side) 
Curran James, planter and farmer 
Curran William, planter and farmer 
Doyle William, farmer 
Duff Arthur, planter and farmer 
Duff Arthur & Sons, planters (South Side) 
Duff Edward, fisherman 
Duff James, fisherman 
Duff John, fisherman 
Duff Patrick, fisherman 
Duff William, fisherman 
Dunphy Bartholomew jun, fisherman 
Dunphy Bartholomew sen, fisherman 
Dunphy Florence, fisherman 
Dunphy John, planter (South Side) 
Dunphy Thomas, fisherman 
Dwyer John, fisherman 
Dwyer Patrick, fisherman 
Dwyer William, fisherman 
Fitzgerald Patrick, farmer 
Fitzgerald Thomas, fisherman
Flemming John. fisherman 
Flood John, fisherman 
Flood John jun, planter and farmer (South Side) 
Flood John sen, ferryman (South Side) 
Flood Patrick, ferryman 
Flood Patrick, fisherman 
Flood William, fisherman 
Furey James, carpenter 
Furey John, fisherman 
Furey Thomas, planter (South Side) 
Furey Thomas jun, fisherman 
Furey Thomas sen, carpenter 
Harden William, fisherman 
Healy James, fisherman
Healy John, farmer 
Healy Patrick, fisherman 
Healy Philip, ferryman (North Side) 
Healy William, fisherman 
Hennessy Daniel, fisherman 
Hennessy James, fisherman 
Hennessy John, fisherman 
Hickey John, fisherman 
Hickey Michael, fisherman 
Hickey Patrick, planter and dealer (South Side) 
Hickey Thomas, farmer 
Hicks George, fisherman 
Hicks John, farmer 
Hicks Joseph, fisherman 
Hicks Thomas, fisherman 
Hicks William, fisherman 
Hynes Michael, farmer 
Joy Ellen, teacher (North Side) 
Joy James, farmer 
Joy John & Sons, planters (South Side) 
Joy Walter, fisherman 
Keating Miss Martha, teacher (South Side) 
Keefe Edward, fisherman 
Keefe Nicholas, farmer 
Kelly Patrick, farmer 
Kelly Paul, fisherman 
Kelly Richard, farmer 
Kelly Thomas, fisherman 
Kennedy Cornelius, planter (South Side) 
Kennedy John, planter (South Side) 
Kennedy John jun, planter (South Side) 
Kerby John, fisherman 
Keilly James, fisherman 
Keilly Thomas, fisherman 
Lewis Elias, fisherman 
Lewis James, fisherman 
Lewis James jun, fisherman 
Lewis James sen, fisherman 
Lewis John jun, fisherman 
Lewis John sen, carpenter 
Lewis John, carpenter 
Lewis John jun, carpenter 
Lewis Philip, fisherman 
Lewis Philip, shoemaker 
Lewis Philip jun, fisherman 
Lewis William, fisherman 
Lewis William jun, fisherman 
Lewis William sen, fisherman 
McGrath John, planter and farmer 
McGrath Lawrence, fisherman 
McGrath Michael, planter (South Side) 
McGrath Thomas, planter (South Side) 
Mackey John, planter (North Side) 
Maher James, planter (South Side) 
Meagher James, planter and farmer 
Meagher William, fisherman 
Millmore James, fisherman 
Millmore Matthew, fisherman 
Moore Thomas, master mariner 
Moore Thomas, planter (North Side) 
Moore William, fisherman 
Morrisey John, fisherman 
Morrisey Thomas, fisherman 
Morrisey William, fisherman 
Mullowney John, fisherman 
Mullowney Philip, fisherman 
Murphy John, fisherman 
Murphy Michael, mason and farmer (South Side) 
Murphy Pierce, fisherman 
Murphy Thomas, fisherman 
Neal John, planter (South Side) 
O'Brien Terence, planter (South Side) 
O'Keefe Daniel, wheelwright 
O'Keefe Keefe, wheelwright (South Side) 
O'Keefe Nicholas, boarding house (South Side) 
O'Neill John, fisherman 
O'Rourke Michael & Sons, planters (South Side) 
Penny Dennis, fisherman 
Penny James, fisherman 
Penny Joseph jun, fisherman 
Penny Joseph sen, fisherman 
Penny Philip, fisherman 
Penny Philip, fisherman 
Penny Matthew, planter 
Penny Thomas, fisherman 
Purcell Patrick, fisherman 
Purcell William, farmer 
Purcell William, fisherman 
Quinlan Jeremiah & Sons, planters (North Side) 
Quinlan John, fisherman 
Quinlan Peter sen, planter 
Quinlan Peter jun, fisherman 
Quinlan Timothy, fisherman 
Rourke Lawrence, fisherman 
Rourke Michael, planter and farmer 
Rourke Patrick, fisherman 
Rourke Timothy, fisherman 
Ryan John, fisherman 
Ryan William & Brothers, planters (South Side) 
Tapling James, shoemaker 
Targate John, fisherman 
Targate Patrick, fisherman 
Targate Richard, fisherman 
Targate Richard jun, fisherman 
Targate William, fisherman 
Timmens Edward, carpenter & planter 
Timmens Patrick, fisherman 
Tobin Maurice, fisherman 
Veitch George, fisherman 
Veitch John jun, fisherman 
VEITCH JOHN sen, planter 
Veitch Philip, fisherman 
Veitch William, teacher (South Side) 
Wall Garret, planter 
Wall James, planter and farmer 
Wall Martin, fisherman 
Wall N & G, planter (South Side)
Wall Nicholas jun, planter 
Walsh David, fisherman 
Walsh Garret, fisherman 
Walsh James, planter (South Side) 
Walsh James jun, planter 
Walsh James sen, planter 
Walsh John, fisherman 
Walsh Michael, fisherman and farmer 
Walsh Patrick, planter 
Walsh Richard, fisherman 
Walsh Richard, planter (South Side) 
Walsh Richard jun, fisherman 
Walsh Richard sen, planter 
Walsh Thomas, fisherman 
Westerman Henry, merchant (South Side) 
Williams Patrick, fisherman 
Woodford Michael, planter (North Side)



Transcribed by Michael Cooper, 1998
Revised by Jim Butler, 2003

Page Revised June 2003 (Don Tate)

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