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Lovell's 1871
Provincial Business Directory
A thriving village on the north shore of Conception Bay, district of Harbor Grace. The greater number of the inhabitants spend the summer at the Labrador to carry on the cod fishery, returning in the autumn. It has only one street, the houses are all built facing the bays and are nearly all of wood. It is a post town and a port of entry. Distant from Harbor Grace by road 8 miles, from Portugal Cove, by steamer 3 times a week, 20 miles, fare $1.40; from St. John's, by steamer and stage, 30 miles, fare $2.40; by road 53 miles. Mail tri-weekly. Population 1000.


Bags, Henry, fisherman
Bags Joseph, carpenter
Bags Richard, fisherman
Bursell W.H., school teacher
Bartlett Mrs., wid William
Bartlett Isaac, ship owner
Butler Thomas, fisherman
Calpin, Charles, blacksmith
Calpin Josiah, blacksmith
Calpin Thomas, importer
Culleton James, hotel
Daw Samuel, of John, planter
Dawe Robert, shop owner
Dawe Samuel, ship owner
Delaney, James, fisherman
Delaney John, fisherman
Delaney John, fisherman
Delaney Mark, fisherman
Delaney Mark, jun, fisherman
Delaney Mark, planter
Delaney Martin, fisherman
Delaney Patrick, fisherman
Delaney Patrick, planter
Delaney Richard, fisherman
Delaney Thomas, fisherman
Delaney William, fisherman
Elmsley George of James Orr & Co., resides at St. John's
Evans John, fisherman
Evans Robert, fisherman
Evans William, fisherman
Flynn David, fisherman
French Abraham, fisherman
French Charles, fisherman
Green W.S., M.H.A., importer and general merchant
Hierlihy George W., preventive officer
Hoods Mrs. Elizabeth, wid James
Keefe Edward, blacksmith
Keefe Henry, blacksmith
Keefe John, school teacher
Kurley Abraham, , fisherman
Kurley John, fisherman
Kurley Mrs. M., wid Samuel
Kurley Thomas, fisherman
MacDonadl Ricahrd, bookkeeper
Mercer Abram, fisherman
Mercer Benjamin, fisherman
Mercer Charles, fisherman
Mercer Christopher, fisherman
Mercer Eli, fisherman
Mercer Elijah, fisherman
Mercer Emanuel, fisherman
Mercer Isaac, fisherman
Mercer James, fisherman
Mercer John, fisherman
Mercer Lorenzo, fisherman
Mercer Samuel, fisherman
Mercer Stafford, fisherman
Mercer William, fisherman
Mercer Charles, fisherman
Mercer William, fisherman
Mersey Christopher, fisherman
MOORE JOSEPH T., hotel keeper and school teacher
Murphy Miss Anatasia, dressmaker
Norman Abraham, fisherman
Norman Daniel, fisherman
Norman Edward, fisherman
Norman J., fisherman
Norman Thomas, fisherman
Nosery Isaac, fisherman
Noseworthy Isaac, fisherman
O'Neil Philip, fisherman
ORR JAMES & CO., dry goods, grocers and general merchants
Parsons, Stephen, shop owner
Russell Charles, fisherman
Russell Edward, jun, fisherman
Russell Edward, sen., fisherman
Russell Henry, fisherman
Russell Isiah, fisherman
Russell John, fisherman
Russell Joseph, fisherman
Russell Stephen, jun., fisherman
Russell Stephen, sen., fisherman
Russell William, jun., fisherman
Russell William, sen., fisherman
Shears rev. William C. ch. Of England
SIMPSON ROBERT, general importer and commission merchant
Snow Abner
Snow Charles, fisherman
Snow Edward, fisherman
Snow John, fisherman
Snow Joseph, fisherman
Snow Lot, fisherman
Taylor R.H., accountant
Tencher Isaac, fisherman
Vie William, sailmaker
Wilcox Benjamin, fisherman
Wilcox Edward, fisherman



The entries have been transcribed as
they appear in the 1871 Lovell's directory.
Over the years, many of the names have become
colloquialized or spelled differently.

[Project Lovell's ]

Contributed and Transcribed by: Laura Russell

Page Revised: January - 2003 (Don Tate)

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