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Lovell's 1871
Provincial Business Directory
The chief town in the district of Trinity, situated on the north side of Trinity Bay. The town is built at the foot of large hill, on a harbor pre-eminent for picturesqueness. The harbor is, next to Burin, the best in the island, thoroughly sheltered from every wind. Farming is carried on to some extent, more especially on the Southwest and Northwest Arms. This town was at one time of considerable importance. It is a post town and port of entry. The Circuit court holds a session here every autumn, and a magistrate's court sits daily. It is the packet station for the mails for Bonavista and places further north. Distant from St. John's by steamer fortnightly, 63 miles, fare $4. A ferry plies between the town and the north side daily. Mail weekly. Population


Adams, William planter 
Ausworth, Charles fisherman 
Ausworth, John fisherman 
Ash, Francis fisherman 
Bartlett, Henry fisherman 
Bartlett, John fisherman 
Bartlett, Samuel fisherman 
Bay, Joseph fisherman 
Bayly, Benjamin fisherman 
Bayly, George fisherman 
Bayly, Robert subcollector customs
Bayly, Thomas fisherman 
Bellows, Georgefisherman 
Bremner, Alexander trader 
Brennan, Richard trader 
Brown, James fisherman 
Brown, William planter 
Bugdon, Aaron fisherman 
Bugdon, George 
Bugdon, Joseph fisherman 
Burnell, John fisherman 
Caul, David fisherman 
Christian, George master mariner 
Churchill, George fisherman 
Churchill, Joseph fisherman 
Churchill, Richard fisherman 
Cole, Gilbert H. trader 
Coleman, Bartholomew planter 
Coleman, John 
Coleman, Peter planter 
Collis, Edwin school teacher 
Collis, William 
Connelly, Daniel planter
Connolly, James planter 
Connolly, John fisherman 
Connolly, Thomas fisherman 
Cook, George 
Cook, Philip 
Cook, Thomas fisherman 
Cook, William fisherman 
Crocker, David fisherman 
Crocker, John fisherman 
Crocker, Mathias fisherman 
Crocker, Stephen planter
Crocker, Thomas fisherman 
Crocker, William planter
Cross, John 
Cross, William fisherman 
Cutler, Charles fisherman 
Cutler, John fisherman 
Deddem, Charles fisherman 
Deddem, Samuel
Doherty, John fisherman 
Doherty, Micheal fisherman 
Eagan, Daniel fisherman 
Eagan, John fisherman 
Earle, Alonzo W. trader 
Evelly, Ananiasfisherman 
Evelly, George fisherman 
Evelly, Matthew fisherman 
Facey, Nicholas fisherman 
Facey, James farmer 
Field, Charles fisherman 
Fifield, Aaron planter 
Fifield, John fisherman 
Fifield, Thomas fisherman 
Fifield, William, jun. fisherman 
Fifield, William, sen. fisherman 
Fowlow, Mrs Sarah, wid 
Fowlow, Thomas fisherman 
Fowlow, Thomas, jun. planter 
Fowlow, Thomas, sen. trader/planter 
Fowlow, William fisherman 
Garland, Samuel farmer 
Gent, James 
Gover, Joseph fisherman
Gover, Thomas planter 
Gralters, William fisherman 
Granger, Charles gaol keeper
Grant, David B. 
Grant, Richard fisherman 
Green, Thomas fisherman 
Grish, William fisherman 
Groodman, John fisherman 
Guy, Philip fisherman 
Hall, John fisherman 
Hart, Thomas
Hayter, Jamesfisherman 
Hayter, John planter/trader 
Hewitt, Henry fisherman 
Hewitt, Philip fisherman 
Hiddock, Edward fisherman 
Hiscock, Benjamin fisherman 
Hiscock, Edward fisherman 
Hiscock, Edward fisherman 
Hiscock, George fisherman 
Hiscock, Henry fisherman 
Hiscock, John fisherman 
Hiscock, Joseph fisherman 
Hiscock, Richard fisherman 
Hiscock, Robert fisherman 
Hiscock, Solomon 
Hiscock, Thomas fisherman
Hiscock, William 
Hiscock, William fisherman 
Hodder, Charles fisherman 
Hodder, John fisherman 
Hogarth, James fisherman 
Hogarth, William planter
House, George, jun. fisherman 
House, Robert fisherman 
House, William planter 
Hunt, Edward fisherman 
Hunt, William fisherman 
Janes, Arthur planter 
Janes, Elijah fisherman 
Jenkins, Thomas 
Jestreau, William fisherman 
Jones, John fisherman 
Jones, Jonas, jun. 
Jones, Jonas, sen. 
Jones, Robert fisherman 
Laite, James fisherman 
Lawler, Robert planter 
Ledrew, George fisherman 
Levisconte, Philip M.D. 
Lock, Aaron 
Lock, David trader/planter 
Lockyer, George 
Lucas, Jasper 
Lucas, Thomas fisherman 
McFarlane, Charles fisherman 
Mayers, James fisherman 
Meadus, William fisherman 
Miller, Benjamin trader 
Miller, Robert fisherman 
Miller, Samuel fisherman 
Miller, Thomas fisherman 
Milley, John fisherman 
Mills, R. fisherman 
Moore, James fisherman 
Moore, John fisherman 
Moore, William fisherman 
Morris, Robert planter 
Morris, Thomas fisherman 
Murphy, John 
Murphy, John, sen. trader/farmer 
Murphy, Patrick trader/farmer
Newhook, John 
Oakley, George fisherman 
Percey, Joseph fisherman 
Peckham, Martin planter 
Phalen, John trader 
Piddle, Mrs Sarah wid 
Pittman, Joseph trader 
Pittman, William 
Powell, William fisherman 
Power, Arthur fisherman 
Power, John fisherman 
Reed, William planter 
Rowe, Eli fisherman 
Rowe, George fisherman 
Rowe, William planter/trader 
Sexton, James fisherman 
Sexton, Robert fisherman 
Shears, John C.
Sinclair, Joseph fisherman 
Sivier, Charles fisherman 
Sivier, William fisherman 
Smith, Rev. Benjamin C of E 
Spence, Richard farmer
Spurell, John fisherman 
Stewart, John fisherman 
Stoneman, George trader 
Sweetland, Benjamin lawyer 
Tavenor, George fisherman 
Tavenor, William fisherman 
Thorne, James
Thorne, Joseph fisherman 
Thomas, Singleton fisherman 
Tibbs, Augustus fisherman 
Tibbs, James fisherman 
Tibbs, R. fisherman 
Tibbs, Thomas fisherman 
Tilly, William
Verge, James trader 
Watts, Arthur 
Welshman, Thomas fisherman 
White, Dugald fisherman 
White, John policeman 
White, Robert planter 
White, Robert M.D./physician 
White, Thomas sailor 
Woolridge, Jonathan fisherman



The entries have been transcribed as
they appear in the 1871 Lovell's directory.
Over the years, many of the names have become
colloquialized or spelled differently.

[Project Lovell's ]

Transcribed by Michael Cooper

Page Revised: January - 2003 (Don Tate)

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