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McAlpine's 1898 Directory
Twillingate District
Ward's Harbor
SurnameGiven NameLocationOccupation
BURTON Wm Ward's har fishman
BURTON Eli Ward's har fishman
BURTON George Ward's har fishman
BURTON Samuel Ward's har fishman
BURTON Lionel Ward's har fishman
BURTON Joseph Ward's har fishman
BURTON Absalom Ward's har fishman
BURTON John Ward's har fishman
BURTON Wm Ward's har fishman
BURTON Young Ward's har fishman
BURTON Hezekiah Ward's har fishman
BURTON Absalom Ward's har fishman
BR00KS Thomas Lushes bht farmer
BROOKS John Lushes bht fisherman
BROOKS Peter Lushes bht fisherman
CARAVEN Elijah Ward's har fisherman
CROUCHER Abel Ward's har fisherman
CROUCHER Charles Ward's har fisherman
CROUCHER James, sr. Ward's har fisherman
CROUCHER Samuel Ward's har fisherman
CROUCHER Levi Ward's har fisherman
CROUCHER Lemuel Ward's har fisherman
CROUCHER Reuben Ward's har fisherman
CROUCHER James, jr. Ward's har fisherman
COLBOURNE Jas Lushes bight fisherman
CARAVEN Wm Lushe's bight fisherman
CARAVEN Wm (John Lushe's bight fisherman
DROWL Thomas Ward's har fisherman
ELLIOTT Joseph Ward's har fisherman
HEWLETT Thomas Ward's Har fisherman
HEWLETT Charles Ward's har fisherman
HEWLETT Wm Ward's har fisherman
HEWLETT Esau Ward's har fisherman
HEATH George Ward's har fisherman
HEATH James Ward's har fisherman
HEATH John Ward's har fisherman
HOSKINS Samuel Ward's har fisherman
HOSKINS George Ward's har fisherman
HOSKINS Job Ward's har fisherman
HEWLETT George Ward's har fisherman
HEATH James (Geo Ward's har fisherman
HEATH Luke Ward's har fisherman
HEATH Wm Ward's har fisherman
JOHNSON James Lushes bgt fisherman
LEDREW Thomas Lushes bgt fisherman
MORGAN Jas Lushes bgt fisherman
OAK Henry Ward's hrbr fisherman
PADDICK Solomon Ward's hrbr fisherman
PADDICK John T. Ward's hrbr fisherman
PADDICK Geo Ward's hrbr boat builder
PADDICK Ismael Ward's hrbr fisherman
PADDICK Geo B. Ward's hrbr fisherman
PERRY Chas Ward's hrbr fisherman
PARSONS Geo Lushes bight fisherman
PARSONS Eli Lushes bight fisherman
PARSONS Saml Lushes bight fisherman
PARSONS Enoch Lushes bight fisherman
PARSONS Job Lushes bight fisherman
PARSONS John Lushes bight fisherman
PARSONS Josiah Lushes bight fisherman
PADDICK Mrs, wid Geo Lushes bight na
RAINES Geo Lushes bight fisherman
ROWSELL Geo Lushes bight fisherman
ROWSELL Jasper Lushes bight trader
ROWSELL Henry, jr. Lushes bight fisherman
ROWSELL Jesse Lushes bight trader
RIDOUT Israel Cutwell arm shipcarp
RIDOUT John Cutwell arm fisherman
RIDOUT Geo Cutwell arm fisherman
RIDOUT Thos Cutwell arm fisherman
RIDOUT Emmanuel Cutwell arm fisherman
RIDOUT Solomon Cutwell arm fisherman
RIDOUT Daniel Cutwell arm fisherman
ROWSELL Arthur Cutwell arm fisherman
ROWSELL John Lushes bight fisherman
ROBERTS Wm Lushes bight fisherman
SHORT Wm Quinton's cove fisherman
SHORT Andrew Quinton's cove fisherman
SHORT Samuel Quinton's cove fisherman
SHORT Temple Quinton's cove fisherman
SIMMS John Quinton's cove fisherman
SIMMS Geo Quinton's cove fisherman
SIMMS W. A. Quinton's cove genl dealer
SLADE Edward Lushes Bgt fisherman
SLADE Robt Lushes Bgt fisherman
SIMMS Albert Lushes Bgt fisherman
TUCKER Robt Lushes Bgt fisherman
WATKINS Isaac Cutwell arm fisherman
WELLS Henry Cutwell arm fisherman

89 Entries Complete
[McAlpine's Directories]

The entries have been transcribed as
they appear in the 1898 directory.
Over the years, many of the names have become
colloquialized or spelled differently.

This page transcribed by Laura Lordan

Page Revised: December 2002 (Don Tate)

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