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Norman Wheatley Strong
Royal Newfoundland Regiment
Regt # 1522

Contributed by Carolyn (Strong) Molson and Ted Strong


My great-uncle:
Norman Wheatley Strong, May 28, 1896 - July 1, 1916
killed in action WWI, at Beaumont Hamel at age 20.

I'd like to share with you two tender extracts from
letters Norman wrote home to his older brother Bert:

France, May 20, 1916

"I might as well begin by wishing you many happy returns on your birthday. I don't know where I'll be spending my birthday this year. I guess t'will be in the trenches..."

[He died a little over a month later.]

November 16, 1915

"A couple of our fellows who were wounded a day after they were in their dug outs in the Dardanelles are here from hospital now on furlough.
One of them you know, I believe you introduced him to me - Corporal Sellars - he got a piece of shrapnel through his arm and shoulder. Nothing serious, but enough to prevent his carrying a pack for a couple of months.

His platoon sergeant told the bunch to fill their water bottles... A shell burst close to them. He said 'that's nothing, boys'. When the fellows made for cover as he was filling his bottle he heard this shell coming. When it burst, something struck him and spun him around and knocked him down. He got back to the dug out with his arm hanging by is side... the ball that went into him ... was about the size of a .44 bullet.

Sam Lodge is killed. He was on his side emptying some stuff on a refuse heap... A sniper got him in the side. When he was taken down all he said was "handle me gently boys".

'Dummie Tucker' was wounded in the chest and died on the hospital ship... He says you can't show your head a second in the daylight, as a sniper has you at once..."

This is why I will always remember them.


Donated by Barbara Pederson

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Military Records Contact: Daniel B. Breen

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