Research Interests Posting Form
[Newfoundland and Labrador Genealogy Research Interests Forum]

If your browser in not 'forms compliant', or if you experience any difficulty with it, please email your

  • Please note that the query you submit today may not be uploaded to the site for a period of up to two weeks.
  • For AOL user's, please use the above email address to submit your query. We have been having problems recieving queries from the AOL server. If you submit the form below, your message will be blank. Please make sure you include your email address within the body of your message.
  • I ask your help in please, making sure your e-mail address is correct, and that you enter the surname you are researching in UPPER CASE LETTERS.
  • When submitting your query, please be brief and to the point, provide dates when possible, names without dates are nearly useless, if you don't know the date use your best estimate. Here might be an example.
    Please realize that if you do not have the correct puncuation or capitalization for your name or details in your query, that I will not correct it.
    Thanks for you co-operation,

    Good luck in your research !!!

    Enter your query here
    Please indicate if this is a:

    New Entry: Revision : Deletion:

    Researching (SURNAME in UPPER CASE ONLY):

    (1 name per posting please)

    Your Name:

    Your E-mail address:(Please check that your address entered correctly)

    Postal Address:

    Your phone number:


    Briefly describe the information being sought:

    Please hit return to wordwrap!

    Select the geographic region that best describes the area you are researching:

    Please indicate the extent of your research holdings on this person / family?

    Extensive: Moderate: Limited: Very Limited:

    Please hit the SEND button only once and your message has been sent!, to post another query, hit CLEAR and start again or simply edit the portions you want and hit SEND again.

    If you not receive a response from me within three days, please send the information direct to me at the following address.

    This is due to some requests not arriving here.


    © Newfoundlands Grand Banks, 2007.