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The Grand Falls Advertiser
April 1936

NOTE: I wish to inform you that I'm typing the articles as they are printed in the paper. I'm using capital letters and the same spelling as it was used in the original articles.


April 8,1936

U. C. Young People's Society

At the second last meeting of the U. C. Young People's Society most informative and entertaining Debate was held. The subject was one of vital interest to us all, as Newfoundlanders, viz. "Resolved that the policies inaugurated by commission of Govt. are better adapted to the economic and industrial rehabilitation of Newfoundland than were the policies of the political parties under Responsible Govt." The affirmative was led by Miss B.Brett, President of the Society ably supported by Mr. Malcolm Davis and Miss Rea Sanger. The Negative had as leader Mr. T. Howell whose capable colleagues were Mr. Wm. Goulding and Mr. Lewis Taylor. Both sides had a wealth of information which they delivered with much force and eloquence,thus rendering the judges task a far from easy one. The decision went in favour of the affirmative. The Judges were Messrs L. Moore, Jack Cater and J. Parsons. The meeting was considered one of the most enjoyable on record. A pity the Commissioners could not eavesdrop.


The Bank of Montreal here is about to lose one of its most valued workers. Mr. Richard White leaves by Friday's train for St. John's en route to Montreal, to which city he has been transferred. For several years he has been a well-known figure in our Bank, and many can testify to his agreeableness and popularity. He spent most of his boyhood and schooldays here and will leave many regretful friends behind. His parents, Mr. & Mrs.George White, once well known in Grand Falls, now reside in Montreal, so Dick is really going home. To him this paper says "Bon voyage" and Best Luck.

Mr. J. F. Cantwell of St. John's, formerly of Brigus, returned home last week, after a brief visit to his daughter, Mrs. M. F. Blackmore.

Mr. & Mrs. W. Simpson, with their son, Roger, left last week by the S. S. Geraldine Mary for the old Country. Mr. Simpson, who has been a resident of Grand Falls for the past twenty five years, will be greatly missed by his friends and relatives. For many years he has been a faithful and valuable employee of the A.N.D. Co., and now goes to take up his duties in another paper mill in Ballyclare, Ireland. We wish Mr. & Mrs. Simpson every success and happiness in their new home.

Mr. Austin Griffin who entered Lady Northcliffe Hospital to undergo an operation for appendicitis last week is coming along fine and expects to be out again by the end of this week.

Mr. Ralph Fitzgerald who spent a few days at Corner Brook returned by Friday's express.

We understand that Miss Mabel Cramm of the A.N.D. Staff, has resigned her position and will leave for St. John's shortly where she will reside in future.

Mr. Maurice Cohen, of the firm of S. Cohen & Sons,is now doing business in Towns along the line.

Mr. Charlie Gosse, who has been confined to his bed with pneumonia during the past month, is now, we are glad to know, well on the road to recovery.

Mrs. Horace Wetmore, who has been spending the winter with her son, Mr. Richard Wetmore, Exploits Ave., leaves by Tuesday's train for her home in St. John, N. B.

Mr. L. W. Dunphy who, for the past few years has been Groundwood Superintendent of the Bishop's Falls Mill, has been appointed head of the Control Department here.

Miss Bernice Sheppard who has been attending Spencer College returned home by Tuesday's Train to spend the Easter Holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, Cabot Road.

Munden Bishop, who has been attending The Memorial University College, St. John's returned by yesterday morning's train to spend his Easter vacation with his parents, Rev. E. M. & Mrs. Bishop.

Miss Caroline Grace has returned from St. Brides College St. John's, to spend the Easter Holidays with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grace.

Mrs. L. Moore returned from a trip to the States by last Friday's train.

Mr. G. S. Pincott, Mill Manager of The A.N.D. Co., left by yesterday's train on a brief visit to Quebec.

C. of E. Social Club

Debates seem to be The order of the day for at last Wednesday's meeting of the C. of E. Social Club, a most entertaining one took place. The Subject "Resolved that woman's rightful place is in the home," was one that always causes much heated arguing. The Affirmative led by Mr. Geo. Hicks, supported by Miss Elsie Bradbury and Miss F. Bratley put up many excellent arguments. The Negative with Mr. L. R. Cooper as leader. Supported by Miss Rita Bishop and Mr. C. Russell fought valiantly and eloquently for a losing cause and woman was doomed to remain in the house. The affirmative gained the decision; proving yet again that The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, Only of course in this enlightened age cradles are no longer rocked,it being highly unscientific and upsetting to a child's nervous system! The judges were Mrs. E. M. Bishop, Miss E. George and Mr. F. Rockwood.

Station to Have Theatre

The New Theatre at the station now being erected by Mr. Gibson is nearing completion. The new building is to be equipped with a fine modern Talking machine and Mr. Gibson assures us that he is securing a contract for some excellent pictures. Later on we shall have more details to give on this subject. In the meantime this paper wishes Mr. Gibson every success in his new venture.

Charity Dance

The Elks are first to start the ball of gaiety rolling after the drabness of the Lenten season. They open the Easter festivities with their Annual Charity dance which has always been such an unqulified success. This benevolent organization deserves the whole-hearted support of the community. Their interest in the welfare of the children during past years has been shown by their efforts to provide a play-ground suitable for them.


Contractors and Builders

Building Blocks, Mantles, Air-Cool Chimney Blocks
Flower Pots,   Well Blocks,   Marble-Crete Grave
Markers, Grave Forms, Gate Posts, Culverts
Sidewalk Slabs, Fireplaces, Sewer Pipes.

(in this area there are three small squares spaced evenly apart)


Twillingate Hospital,
K. of C. Hall, Grand Falls
New Co-operative Society Store, Grand Falls
Etc., Etc.


BOTWOOD --- --- --- --- --- --- NEWFOUNDLAND

Pound Goods Men's Thigh New Arrivals Now Showing Rubbers
Every woman knows there are marvellous values in pound goods. A good strong general purpose boot but not recommended for Grinder room work........... 2.79 pair.We carry a complete range. Call and see this line when out shopping. Oil Cloth A special purchase of Table Oil Cloth Just Opened! New Shipment of Wall Paper enables us to offer a very fine price. Only ........ 19c. yd. Not first quality but well worth the money. Unexpectedly Low in Price We also stock Litentuffs and Ladies, Misses, Childrens and Boys Long Rubbers


Grand Falls Station
"It Will Pay You to Shop at Goodyear's"


Page Contributed and Transcribed by Patricia Byrne

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (November 18, 2001)

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