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1906 Newspaper Look-ups
The St. John's Daily News


Wed. Aug. 15, 1906


MAYNE - RENDELL - At the home of Mrs. John MOORE, 23 Dick's Square, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. W. T. D. DUNN, Mr. George C. D. MAYNE, telegraphist, of Pilley's Island, and Miss Minnie H. RENDELL, of this city.

Wed. Feb.12, 1906


WEBBER - At Charlestown, Nov. 11, John C., beloved husband of Nellie M. WEBBER (nee FORDE) , aged 43 years, 3 months. Internment took place on the 13th inst., at 2 p.m.

PROWSE - Sunday morning, Augustus James, youngest son of John and Catherine PROWSE, aged 14 years. Funeral Tuesday at 2:30, from his late residence, 22 Carew Street. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully requested to attend.

HEALY - Saturday, after a short illness, Thomas HEALY, aged 71 years, leaving a wife, two sons and a daughter to mourn their loss. Funeral to-day, at 2:30 p.m., from his late residence, Plank Road. Friends and acquaintances will accept this the only intimation.


THANKS The employees of the Globe Steam Laundry, also Mr. and Mrs. N. J. COADY, who kindly sent floral wreaths to adorn the coffin of the late Mrs. Patrick MURPHY, will please accept the sincere thanks of the relatives of deceased.


George and Aaron GRANDY were accidentally drowned at Garnish on Monday last.

Thurs. Dec. 6, 1906


COLLINS - EARLE - At Gower Street Parsonage, on the 5th inst., by Rev. W. T. D. DUNN, Mr. Thomas COLLINS to Miss Patience Elizabeth EARLE, both of Old Placentia Road, St. John's.


CARTER - At Hillsboro, on December 4th, Mary A. CARTER, aged 82 years, widow of the late Robert CARTER, Sr., Supt. Mercantile Marine. Funeral to-day (Thursday) at 3 p.m., from her late residence, King's Bridge Road; friends will please accept this the only intimation.

Fri. Dec. 7, 1906


BLED TO DEATH IN TEN MINUTES The Portia brought word from trinity of the death of a well known resident of that place, Abraham HISCOCK, which occurred under very sad circumstances. For several years, the deceased suffered from a cancerous growth over his eye for which he had tried several remedies, but without success. One day last week, just after sitting at the dinner table, one of the arteries near the sore broke. The blood gushed out in a stream, overflowing a basin and partly filling a 10 lb. butter tub. The man's family were so frightened, that they could make but very little effort to stop it. For ten minutes the gore continued flowing, and when it ceased, Mr. HISCOCK fell from his seat, dead. He leaves a wife and several children.

Sat. Dec. 8, 1906


GREEN - At Alder Harbour, November 11th, of Consumption, Wm. C. GREEN, aged 28 years, leaving a wife and fond parents to mourn their sad loss.

MEEHAN - Yesterday afternoon, Mary Lucy, daughter of the late John Francis and Mary Anne MEEHAN. Funeral on Sunday at 2:30 p.m., from her late residence, 16 Chapel Street.

MEARLS - This morning, after a long illness, Anthony MEARLS, aged 82 years, a native of Devonshire, England. Funeral on Monday, at 2:30 p.m., from his late residence, King's Bridge Road; friends and acquaintances are respectfully requested to attend.

"Reprinted courtesy of Robinson-Blackmore Printing and Publishing"
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Page Contributed by Chris Shelley (June 20, 2000)

Page Last Updated February 08, 2015(Craig Peterman)

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