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1918 Events of the Year (part 1)
The St. John's Daily News

Thur. Jan. 3 1918


The following message was received yesterday by Deputy Minister of Customs LeMESSURIER from the collector at Burgeo: The schooner Lizzie M. Stanley, which left St. Pierre on Dec. 4th for Catalina has not since been heard of and fears are entertained for her safety. The crew of six all belonged to Burgeo.

Deputy Minister of Justice SUMMERS received a message yesterday morning from Magistrate O'REILLY of Placentia that Mrs. J. HARTLEY, forty years of age, and a resident of North-East Arm, had suicided the previous night by drowning. An enquiry is being held.

Fri. Jan. 11, 1918

ON DEC. 7TH, 1917,

(By ex-Governor Sir Walter Davidson)
[The following description of a visit to the regiment in France by Sir Walter Davidson, was received by the Chief Justice, Sir William HORWOOD.]

Sir Walter DAVIDSON was in France as a guest at G. H. Q. from December 2nd to 7th. As the Newfoundland Regiment was being relieved on December 5th, Sir Walter was asked to stay over the 7th, in order that he might have an opportunity of seeing this very distinguished regiment.

The 29th Division was moved from West Flanders to take part in the surprise attack towards Cambrai. The work which fell to the "Immortal Division" was as always, splendidly carried out from start to finish. On November 20th the Newfoundland Battalion advanced through Marcoing, stormed the bridgehead over the Scheltz Canal, and dashed into Masnieres, which they continued to hold until December 5th, when Sir Douglas HAIG withdrew from the salient and brought back his first line into the old 2nd Hindenburg line. The withdrawal dose not abandon the greater part of the gain, and it brings back the men to the comfortable dug-outs, which the Germans had constructed for their own winter quarters. It is unfortunate that we cede the Bourlon Wood which commanded the valley of the Scarpe and would have compelled the evacuation of the village from Monchy and Bullecourt. But the salient was open to a concentrated attack and the commander-in-chief had not the division to spare, and was not prepared to sacrifice men, especially in view of the departure of General PLUMER and five Divisions to the Italian front.
In the advance of November 20th were told that the casualties in the Newfoundland regiment were the heaviest in the Division, because the advance was so rapid and uninterrupted that they were able to cross the strongly fortified canal. I do not know the actual informant was the Chief of the Staff to general de Lisle (who was unfortunately away himself). Brigadier-General Cayley has given up the command of the 88th Brigade and is succeeded by Brigadier-General Nelson, who on the occasion of my visit on Friday afternoon was reported to be ill in bed.
I visited many hospitals, especially at Etaples, Wimereux, Camlers, and Roulogne: but I did not find a single Newfoundland in any of these groups. The wounded must have been evacuated through Rouen. But I saw Captain BUTLER at Wandsworth the evening before I started, and he gave a clear and interesting account of the details of the advance. Butler himself is not severely injured; he has now four gold stripes on his arm for wounds, and I expect that his name will again appear in the honours list. WHITTY, also a good officer, has arrived at Wandsworth. Tobin was killed in the hour of victory. Everybody praises TOBIN - a most promising young officer. And so was GREEN, who won his D. C. M. at the beginning of time on Caribou Hill. Vincent CLUETT lived for several days, everybody like him and he was shaping into a very good officer. Colonel HADOW could give me no precise information as to that delightful lad EDENS (one of the three Musketeers) and C. WATSON that fine fighting Scot- both were wounded and both had help sent them, but they have not been traced elsewhere as far as Colonel HADOW himself knew. I had no opportunity of learning from other officers.
Bartlett was killed in repelling one of the German counter-attacks after November 30th. In a regiment so renowned as ours there must have been some very outstanding quality of high courage in Bartlett for all men to dwell upon his fearlessness but that is the quality which we expect of all BARTLETTs-it was his brother's fearlessness which took Perry to the North Pole and brought him back. I am headfully sorry, but very proud of him and the others. After the advance of November 20th the Newfoundland Battalion consolidated itself at Masnieres, and gave the Germans a handsome grueling whenever they ventured upon a counter-attack. On November 20th they were withdrawn a short distance to Marcoing for a rest-they had not been there two hours when the Goujeau-court disaster occurred, threatening to develop then and leaving their right flank exposed so the tired regiment was sent back at one to its front at Masnieres and never got any relief until December 5th when the line had been rectified and the 29th Division full of honour was withdrawn to cantonments in picturesque village around Le Cauroy. Even in their retirement (after a long march and a weary wait through the day) their engine was derailed. (Newfoundlanders don't mind that) and they had to be transferred to another train. After hey had left the empty train received a direct hit from a very big shell, a naval gun having been trained on the railway by the Germans.

I found the regiment at Sus St. Leger and I hope they may long rest in comfortable billets. They formed up on a field outside, and I inspected their ranks, speaking to all of the officers, and a great many of the men, most of whom I know, either personally or through their families or because of some special act of steadfast courage. I spoke to the men (not well, for my heart was to full) and they gave me a cheer and marched off the grounds as if they were a battalion of Guards. They are still after fighting eight battles in eight months, as, smart on parade, as they were Captain O'Grady was teaching them the latest Chelsea quiffs. They now have a hand of drums and bugles all from the regiment except one man lent from the Essex, and the whole swing and turn out was as gay and as saucy as could be, all the men with a smile to greet me and looking very strong and fit, although you could see that some of them needed a week's sleep. The officers got very little to eat during this fighting fortnight, but the ranks were better off - moreover, they are old soldiers, and can find food. Colonel HADOW was bewailing the loss of Joseph GOODYEAR, who was the best transport officer that ever lived. You know the story of his transfer as Sergeant Major to the fighting ranks after young Ray's death, and the wonderful way in which he coolly saved his own life when the shell tore his leg. If there is any chance of getting him back from the Foresters the regiment will be delighted, but I fear that his wound is a permanent disablement.
Major BERNARD is second-in-command. He was not in the push on November 20th because the Colonel chose to go himself and the second-in-command was obliged to remain in reserve with one-tenth of the men. Bernard was the only man who to my eyes looked delicate, but he was very resolute in saving and maintaining that he was perfectly well.
It is almost laughable to look upon PATERSON and RANDELL as veterans but they were the senior captains on parade- both of them have done astonishingly well and the Colonel referred to them as his main stand-bys next to the second-in-command. I cannot enumerate all the others. Father Tom was, you could see, the life of the mess, and the idle of the men. It was he who provided the luxuries for ten and I hope the swagger was a commendation for the future self-denial. I also saw Padre STENLAKE, looking prodigiously well, very different from the half-starved man who came in from Campbellton. I met his at the billets of the Essex Regiment to whom he is attached and he was acting as Town Mayor, manifestly thoroughly up to his job. That man has a lot of character and should go far.
There was an intention that Colonel HADOW should receive other employment after the wear and tear of two years in the responsible post as Colonel of a fighting battalion: but the orders were suspended because of the Cambrai fight. HADOW expects to go shortly, but owing to the absence of Sir Beauvior de Lisle and of the Brigadier, I could obtain no further particulars. Major Forbes ROBERTSON is now in command of a battalion of the Middlesex Regiment. Although there is no one to beat the Londoners in a fight, I fancy that Forbes-Robertson would dearly love to return to the regiment.
The losses is this hard fighting have been very severe-both in the Guards and in the 29th Division. I did not see the parade state on Friday evening but all told the battalion numbered 340 and probably not more than 250 bayonets.

I am firmly convinced that it is necessary for all Dominion troops to have home furlough for a clear month after three years active services and I am sure that all the authorities will ultimately accept this view. I do not know for certain whether you have received a telegram from Sir Douglas HAIG or exactly what it contained but the Commander-in-Chief was himself glad to promise that the "Blue Puttees" should have leave as soon as convenient. There is always this difficulty that a concession to the Newfoundland Regiment must be extended sooner or later to New Zealand, Australian and South African troops. The men can go by installments, but the furlough means the absence at the same time of many thousands of the best recon in the world. There is also always the risk that the enemy might attempt a concentration and risk a battle in order to defeat the Allies before the arrival of the American armies. And no one could deny the prudence of retaining all the good soldiers until that risk had passed. From what I saw of the old soldiers in our ranks they would not miss a chance of taking part in repelling German attackers, they don't mind how many Germans they kill, and they have seen in this advance what appalling liars these Huns are - they had sworn that no prisoner should be employed on labour within 30 kilometers (19 miles) of the front line. Our people rescued Russian prisoners of was within easy fire of the front trenches not more than one mile.
I am afraid this is a long story, but I am immensely impressed with the high repute of the Newfoundland regiment from every side, from the Commander-in-Chief down and I believe that this reputation is quite likely to be rewarded by some signal act of honour from the King's hands to the regiment as a whole. I believe that it will be singled out from the army in recognition of its fighting qualities. This sounds extraordinary because you have only to look at other regiments of all sorts to realize that they are just as good men as we are, but very few have had so large proportion of the fighting as the famous 29th Division. You may remember when our regiment joined the Division they were only amateur battalion among a dozen regular battalions and we were put on as a kind of extra which might possibly prove to be an encumbrance and not an aid. We have changed that alright, and their comrades in the Division, and be the first to admit that th?? ???teurs (who had never seen me before the war) had made good.
I am so proud of them and their mighty deeds of valour.
Dec. 9, 1917

Sat. Jan. 12, 1918


Interesting Letter From the Trenches
Extracts from a letter of an Officer in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment
Dated December 7, 1917

I am able to report myself safe and sound in spite of the strenuous times and rather dangerous experiences I have been through lately with the Regiment, and luck has followed me once more and I have survived one of the most exciting battles in the history of the war. I didn't even get a scratch, and am more than thankful to have come out of it all alive. For we were fourteen days in the fighting area, and were doing our share of fighting ourselves most of the time. I wrote on the night of the 19th November, and told you that I was going into a big attack on the next day. Well you have read all the news of our glorious success on that day, and how our troops made much an advance. Perhaps it did not come out that our Regiment was in the thick of it right up to the end and made another great name for itself.

Well it is hard to know where to begin to tell you all about it. In the first place, we had to march about 5 miles to the place we had to assemble at prior to moving up to the jumping off place, which was 2 1/4 miles further on. We left our billets at 2.35 a.m. and the attack was to commence at 6.20 a.m.. At this hour precisely our guns opened fired and the troops that were in the front attacking division started "over the top." and it was a glorious sight-for it was just daybreak-and suddenly the whole heavens were lit up with flashes of fire and then the noise started. Scores and scores of tanks appeared from all directions and wobbled on towards the enemy followed closely by the lines and waves of infantry. Soon captured and wounded Boches began to arrive in for at this time we were away behind moving forward to the front all the time after the attack started. There were three main objectives-the divisions in front were to take the first two and our division was to push on and take the third or furthest objective miles in front.

We finally got up and up until we reached the 1st and 2nd objectives which had already been captured by our troops and then set out on our own task of capturing our own objective. This was a canal with a large village on the bank on the other side and the high ground beyond it. I shall never forget that day as long as I live. It was all so much "like a day out" until we met with machine gun and rifle fire and save our men beginning to fall on all sides. As we advanced along we saw fares dashing across our front and coveys of partridge raising in front of us and what was new to most of us we advance over the green instead of as always before "mud and ground covered with shell holes".

I enjoyed it all immensely though I was expecting something to happen every minute when the bullets began to fly around but somehow or other I seemed to escape and it was the same all the time afterwards.

After advancing for some little while we came to the top of the crest and there lying about 2,000 yards in front of us were the canal and the village and the river and bridge-just as we had seen them from our maps and aeroplane photographs .It was getting to the bridge that our real fighting commenced for we could see the Germans on the other side and they were firing on us for all they were worth with machine guns, and their snipers were as busy as could be.

Before I go further I may say that our attack was an absolute surprise to the Boches and they had all fled way back long before we came on the scene, until we got to the village where they began to resist us. We finally got across the bridge and entered the left end of the village and here we began to have a lot of casualties for the enemy were hid in the houses and began to fire on use from all directions and it was very difficult to tell where all the shots were coming from. They had a machine gun up on the road and simply swept the one we were standing on with bullets and a lot of our men fell there killed and wounded. We fought on and drove them back and got up on part of the high ground before dark and then dug in for the night. Our headquarters were in a house just across the bridge and we stayed there till next day, the 21st Nov., when we shifted over to another part of the town. Up to this time we had not been bothered much by shells because we had captured all the guns the Germans had left behind in their hurried flight and they had not brought up other guns as yet. However we did not have to wait long for that, for shells began to arrive on the 22nd and 23rd and every day afterwards as long as we were there. There was another village about 11/2 miles to our left and we shifted over there for 2 days. Then we went into trenches again in front of this village for 3 or 4 days and came back to this village on the night of Nov. 28th and stayed there over the 29th. Now, during all this time the Boches had been rushing up men and guns from behind and in the morning of Nov. 30th he commenced to bombard us and attack and I can tell you we lived in a perfect hell for that day. About 7 in the morning he commenced his attack and began to shell the village frightfully. I shall never forget it. About 10a.m. it reached the height of its intensity and it was something awful. Nothing but houses falling all around us bang, crash, bang, powder and smoke all around us. In the midst of it all we were suddenly ordered out as the Boches were attacking over on our right and we had to meet them. We had to pass through the village and get outside and go on forwards the first village that I spoke off there we met the Germans just outside and on our side of the canal and then we had to fight. We drove them back and back and finally had to take up a position before dark. That was on the 30th Nov. We stayed in out positions being shelled heavenly every day until they made another big counter attack on Dec. 3rd and by sheer weight of numbers and shells fire drove some of our troops on our left and right back. However we hung on we could see the enemy coming on towards us in masses. We manage to hold them, however but for a while during that awful afternoon thought that my last hour had come. I felt sure that I had either to meet my fate or at least become a prisoner and find myself marching on to Berlin with an escort of Boches however as luck would have it we managed to beat them off but it was a very close thing. We were relived that night and went into a trench a short distance behind where we stayed until the 5th Dec. when we were relieved again and came further back, and weren't we glad when we found ourselves leaving it all behind us. We were a fortnight continually on the go and fighting hard most of the time.

You would never have recognized me when I arrived here - for I had not shaved for over a week or even washed for over a week and my clothes were in shreds-altogether a dilapidated looking object.



Kaiser-Made Peace
(Detroit Free Press)
There's one thing about this war-no one who has been to France and seen the effects of it comes back wanting to make peace on the Kaiser's terms.

(Montreal Star)
The conscience of the conscientious objector will not let him fight, but it will let him sleep, while men whom he could help are dying to save his skin. The conscience of the conscientious objector is a curious thing.

A Very Simple Problem
(Washington Times)
The problem is an extremely simple one, to kill as many Prussians as possible and as quickly as possible. Every Prussian following the Emperor endorsing his murder expedition is an enemy a wild animal a thing that should be killed if he can be killed in fair war. What is wanted is 50,000 machines dropping dynamite on the Prussian vermin night and day. Wolves and other savage creatures vanish when they hear often enough the report of a rifle.

Everybody's War.
(Chicago Tribune)
The laboring men and women of England and of France and we believe the laboring men and women of America known this charge is nonsense. What would be the results to the British worker when Belgium held by Germany? What would be the results of the French worker with Germany in control of the Briey mine fields? What would be the results of the works of every European country and our country if a Germany organized for war, drunk with success convinced of its destiny to conquer rule, and Germanize the whole world, should raise from this was to dictate the commercial conditions, that threaten with a perpetual armed might the independence of every other people? "A rich man's war", yes, perhaps; and a poor man's too. The American Bolshevikl want us to make peace with the rich man's system of Germany, the worst of all rich man's systems, for it carries a sword and makes was as business.

What the Revolution Did
(A. A. G. In London Daily News)
And let us clear our minds of a consideration which puts us on the wrong scent. It is assumed that the Revolution has been a disaster to us from the point of view of the war, and that if we could only see Russia over a Napoleon all would be wet. It is a baseless assumption. If the Revolution had not come last February the Czar would have made a separate peace with Germany. He and his tools made two attempts to betray the Alliance to Germany. They have been defeated by exposure; but the plans laid for the third attempt were to elaborate to have failed had the Revolution with responsibility for the miserable tragedy of this summer? mad things were done of course foolish things but that is inevitable. A revolution is not conducted with the propriety of a prayer meeting. But the root of the failure was not in the Revolution but in the corruption and treachery of the autocracy which had left the army and the nation naked to its enemies. Read the revelations of the Sukhomlinoff trial and judge for us to remember is that the Revolution and the Revolution alone kept Russia loyal to the allies and
(Rest missing.)


B. E. F., Dec. 13, 1917.

Dear Mr. LANGMEAD,--
You will have heard the sad news of the death of your son on Dec. 8th from wounds received in action on Dec. 3rd, and I now take the first opportunity of writing to off you my deepest sympathy in your great loss.
The fighting on Dec. 3rd was very severe, and your son was in the thick of it, when he was very severely wounded by a shell. He was carried into a 'dug out' for shelter, and when our trenches had been completely destroyed we had to retire from that part of the trench. A few hours afterwards Capt. H. RENDELL led a party back most gallantly to retake the trench, and they were then able to bring your son away, and he was sent off to hospital, but I fear there was no hope for him form the outset.
The only consolation I can offer you is that he fell while gallantly defending his trench against a very heavy attack. With my deepest sympathy.
Believe me,
Yours sincerely,
A. L. HADOW, Lt. Col.
Com. Nfld. Regt.

Mon. Jan. 14, 1918

Letters of Sympathy To Mrs. BARTLETT

War Dept., Washington,
Dec. 24, 1917.

May I send you word of personal sympathy in the loss of your son, Rupert? Although this young man was a member of our sister forces and not of our own, the loss comes home to us as closely both because of the unity of our aims and effort at the present time, and because we are proud to recognize the splendid service of any member of the Bartlett family.
Cordially yours,
Secretary of War.

B. E. F., Dec. 13, 1917

Dear Mrs. BARTLETT,-
You will have heard before this of the death of your son in the battle of Nov. 30th, and I am now writing to offer you and your family my deepest sympathy in your great loss. I indeed know what a great loss he is to the regiment, for he was a most brave and gallant officer, so that I can understand some measure what a terrible loss he must be to you. I had been talking to him only a very short time before he went out to lead his company that he met his death. He was killed instantaneously by a bullet so he suffered no pain. I looked upon him as one of my best and most reliable officers, and I knew him so well as he was first with me in Gallipoli.
The only consolation that I can offer you is that he met his death in the best possible way- leading his company in the attack on the company.
Will you please accept on my behalf, and I know that the whole regiment joins with me, my deepest sympathy in your great sorrow.
Believe me,
Yours sincerely
(Sgd.) A. L. HADOW, Lt. Col
Com. 1st. Nfld. Regt..

Dec. 10, 1917.
Dear Mrs. BARTLETT,-
Long ere this you will have had the sad news of your son's death. As Rupert and myself were pals, I thought I should write you.
On returning from Newfoundland I met "Pad" (as he was known by everybody in the regiment) in London. I was very sorry I did not get a chance to go over and see you so that I could bring him the news. We had a week together and after we came out we had three days before he went to the line. He was only two days gone when we got the news of his death.
The regiment were a mile or two behind the line when the Boches counter attacked; we did not know it until he was on the edge of the village. Of course it was up to the N. F. L. D. to put a stop to his gallop; we did this, but at an awful cost. "Pad" led the way over at the head of his men. Just as they cleared the village sniper got him right through the head. He was dead before he struck the ground.
BARTLETT is a name of which all Newfoundlanders are proud, but never was there so much cause as the last few months when your son "Pad" added fresh laurels to the name. He was a brave soldier and a good man, and it will be a long time before we are able to fill his place in the regiment.
I offer you and your family my sincerest sympathy, and pray that almighty God will give you strength to carry your very heavy cross.
I am yours very sincerely
(Sgt.) T. Nangle, C. F.

Tue. Jan. 15, 1918



[Through the courtesy of His Excellency the Governor, we are able to publish the following account of the part taken by the NFLD. Regiment in the battle of Cambrai, November 20th to December 4th, 1917, written by Sir Walter Davidson]

The Newfoundland Regiment in the advance on November 20th helped to capture the village of Marcoing. They then captured in a very brilliant affair the important Bridge at the head over the Scheldt Canal (the French call it Escaut, or St. Quentin Canal) they then dashed into the village of Masnieres, and when night fell had gained possession of the greater part of the village. The next day the turned the Germans altogether out of Masnieres, dug themselves in beyond the village and held it until November 30th. They were then relieved and hoped to have a rest in the village of Marcoing on the south side of the canal. They had not time to settle themselves in billets in the cellars of the village before they were called out to hold the position against unexpected attacks, from the south as well as the east, and they spent the next five days in defending their position to the east of the village against incessant attacks in serried masses by the Germans, who had won a success on November 30th further to the south and were now in a position to attack Masnieres and Marcoing from the south as well from the north and east. During these days of incessant fighting the Regiment did not give way a yard and when ordered to evacuate the village during the night of December 4th, they withdrew in good order with all their baggage and equipment and without loss.

The programme for the advance on November 20th involved an advance on three positions. The advance to nearer position was accomplished by another Battalion. The Newfoundlanders advanced past them to a further line, which turned out to be the second and most formidable Hindenburg line, where the enemy had dug themselves in with great skill and labor. At least one dugout was large enough to house the whole battalion. It is satisfactory to think that these commodious quarters are at present occupied by the British Army, and that the enemy will have a biggish job in digging themselves in afresh through the frozen ground.

The third line involved a further advance and the taking of Marcoing village. It was at a point near here where the regiment sustained somewhat severe losses. On the line of their advance were three blazing tanks which had been disable by gun fire and formed a target on which the enemy forces concentrated their fire.

The capture of the Bridge Head across the Canal was a brilliant feat of arms and called for individual pluck and resource- the men made a dash in scattered detachments to run the gauntlet of machine gun fire and captured the machine gun without serious loss. They held up, however in the village beyond by machine guns which swept the street and were fought very pluckily, the gun crews only going down before the bayonet. The guns were marked, and I hope they may be added to the trophies for the War memorial on the King's Beach. During this triumphant advance the men were comparatively free from shellfire, to which they were subjected, however, to a desultory degree while they and the Battalions on either side held this most advanced post in the attack.

Their troubles came when they had hoped for a rest in Marcoing. The Germans had massed their reserve division for a counter-attack, which took place along the entire front on November 30th, when they successful in over-running the defense further south near the villages of Donnelieu and Gojeaucourt. The first tidings that the men in the ranks had of this movement was an order to occupy Marcoing Copse which lay to the east of the village. When they arrived they found the Germans in possession, and had to turn them out before they dug themselves in and formed their own strong points and placed their outlying pickets. Then came a series of infantry attacks, which had to be repelled by rifle and Lewis gun, the divisional machine gun, the divisional machine gun having already suffered badly under artillery fire. There they were subjected to every kind of bombardment from the northeast and from the south. The men objected most to the trench mortars from the east front, which enfiladed some positions of their trenches, especially the eastern portion under the command of Captain RENDELL. One outpost was blown in - Lieut. MIFFLIN, however, who was in command of the picket was unhurt - this was the only point where the German counter-attack made any lodgement. Captain RENDELL's company swung back to another position covered by Captain Paterson's. It was at this stage near the end of a fortnight's fighting when a huge shell pitched into a group of 15 men, several of whom I have seen making a good recovery in Wandsworth Hospital. This was practically the last casualty as the enemy had abandoned all hope of pushing in the salient by direct attack, realizing that if the British continued to hold the salient from Bourlon to Marcoing, they might be cut off and could be subjected to very severs cross fire.

In terms with the decision to evacuate these outlying villages, the Newfoundland Regiment was withdrawn on the night of December 4th, and fell back on the old Hindenburg line, which was now been incorporated into the permanent front opposite Cambrai. I have omitted all mention of names, because it would be invidious to single out some when all behaved like heroes, and I do not name those who fell, though I know the history of each hero's end-I fear to speak of it- through I am very proud of them. The proof, however, of the regiment's worth as a collective whole stands permanent for all times when the King has been pleased to confer the title of "Royal" on the Newfoundland Regiment, a distinction conferred upon no other regiment in this greatest of all wars, so far as I know.

This account is compiled from conversation with those who took part in the titanic struggle. It may not be quite accurate in detail, but it will give people at home some impression of what their boys did and the gallant way they did it.


Through the unwearying kindness of Colonel BRUCE-PORTER, and the Matron of the General Hospital, Wandsworth, I was enabled to see most of the Newfoundland wounded who were in hospital on December 21st-the day before my intended departure from England.

Some of the wounded were well enough to be up, and so I missed several, but if they were well enough to be out they were making a good recovery. That fine fighting Lieut. WATSON was the only officer out of the Cambrai fight, but I also saw Kevin KEEGAN and Leo MURPHY, who had both been hospital for some time. I believe that Capt. KEEGAN will make a complete recovery and will win further honours in a military career if he joins (as I hope) the Army for his permanent profession. Leo MURPHY is also on the high road to recovery, but his mind has alway been as active as ever, despite his wounds. Of the others three or four, have received severe wounds-at least two of them involving the loss of an arm; but their general health is good, and most of them will make a speedy and complete recovery.

I cannot quote names for fear that I should omit some; but I spoke to all and talked of their homes. They came from all parts of the colony-from Burgeo and Burin; from Grand Bank and Fortune and Pushthrough; from St. George's and Bonne Bay; Twillingate , Fogo and Harbour Deep; and from homes all round Conception Bay, and on the south shore from Bay Bulls to Trepassey, as well as lots of lads from St. John's.

There must have been fifty of them and I can say of them all, that they were happy and doing well. It could hardly be otherwise considering how well they know the hospital, and how much the Newfoundlanders are thought of there. Some know the place well-there are two who have 4 golden strips on the left arm of their tunic-one an officer, and one in the ranks-but both to be bracketed together for all time.

Mr. E. R. MORRIS and his wife are the guardian angels of the Newfoundland Regiment-many others are constantly helping and visiting, but Mr. Morris has devoted himself to the care of our men in a way that is hardly imaginable, considering that he is a busy man of affairs. The preparations for Christmas are going on apace-every man in hospital will have his Christmas gifts provided by his English friends-mainly through the munificence of the personal friends of Colonel BRUCE-PORTER. I saw the preparation of 1500 sets of presents being prepared by many kind women, and matron and Nurses were busy with their men in decorating the wards. I believe that holly is practically limited to hospital. I saw Miss WORSLEY, who is, I think, the only Newfoundlander on the nursing staff.


(Prepared by Committees of the W. P. A. at the request of the Food Control Board)

Suggested Menu for Wednesday January 16th, 1918

Baked Beans
Bread and Butter
Coffee or Tea

Fish cakes
Ginger Bread Pudding

Macaroni and Cheese
Baked Apples
Bread and Butter

It is notified for information of the public that the Department of Militia has taken over all matters pertaining to Casualties from the Department of The Colonial Secretary.

All requests for information concerning of wounded men, etc., should addressed to the Minister of Militia, Colonial Building, St. John's.

Minister of Militia



The 29th Division

The great offensive in Cambrai Sector and its recent developments is predominating topic in England today. No push has given the British public a greater conception of the changing tactics of our military leaders, and the latter phase of the fighting have shown the remarkable reserve of our resources on the Western front.

Major-General Henry de Beauvoir De Lisle-commanding the 29th Division, in which the First Newfoundland Regiment has been fighting since the Gallipoli campaign, is mentioned in Sir Douglas HAIG's latest despatches. He and his division, it is now generally known took an important part in the recent Cambrai push and its subsequent development.

General DeLisle's military career has been particularly brilliant since he joined the Army in 1883. He won the D. S. O. in Egypt in 1886, served through South Africa (four mentioned in despatches, severely wounded and the C. B.) and has been mentioned five times in the present war. He is a great polo player and has written books on the subject on which he is a recognized authority.

It goes without saying that the Newfoundlanders took a foremost part in the Divisional movements. Shortly after six o'clock in the in the morning of the 20th, found the Battalion massed on the hill overlooking - with Cambrai in the distance. The unit was in charge of Lt. Col. A. L. HADOW, Cmg., and the various companies as follows:-
"A" Co. by Capt. J. R. STICK, and Lieuts. LANGMEAD and TOBIN; "B" Co. by Capt. B. BUTLER, M.C., and Lieuts. GREEN, D. C. M. and J. LONG; "C" Co. by Capt. R. G. PATTERSON, M. C., and Lieuts. C. WATSON and A. McLEOD; and "D" Co. by Capt. H. RENDELL, and Lieuts. EDENS and CLUETT.

The preliminary attack having been launched, our Regiment moved to the front line trenches and at 11 a.m. swing into artillery formation towards their objectives. The platoons got easily into waves for their advance and accompanied by the two other Brigades of the Division, moved forward and into splendid position-one complete aggressive line of attacks.

The first objective was cleared without much effort, and it was not until the Canal Bank was reached that the Regional sustained its heaviest casualties. It was here that the initiative of the individual commanders showed their pluck and ability.

One of the greatest barriers in the way of our men was the bridge commanded by hostile fire. This obstacle brought into play the courage and perseverance of "Ours" and it was not long before it was overcome. Lieut. TOBIN and six men sprang into the gap and ran to the bridge, they fell, some of them mortally wounded; but the example was there, and the effort not lost for other sections under their commanders, were quite as quick to follow, and very soon the bridge was taken and the other side of the river fell into our hands. The entrance into the village nearby, wrenched from the Bosche in the advance, was a memorable event. The civilian inhabitants, long accustomed to Hun treatment, could hardly realize their release, and their emotions could not be suppressed. Dazed at first, they soon recovered from their surprise, and refreshments and souvenirs were forthcoming on all sides.

Some Hun snipers and machine-gun team or two had located in houses in the village and these did a lot of harm, but the men broke into little groups, each attacking a position and inflecting casualties as well as clearing the way. One of these temporary "Strong Points" proved a thorn in the side of "A" Co. until Sergt. J. H. CARTER, with some Lewis gunners succeeded in bringing it under infilade fire, and although he was mortally wounded, the position was demolished and rendered open to our forces.

A party of Bosches entrenched near a road put up a stubborn resistance and the sweeping fire from their machine-gun furnished a brief break in operations. Captain BUTLER in a dashing exploit conquered this territory and left it in our hands.

The enemy was now closing in, so the Regiment having overcome all obstacles, took up a defensive position, and dug themselves in for the night. The work of re-organization now commenced and lasted until dawn. Lieuts. HERDER and WATERMAN accomplishing a great deal in the way of moping up places where the Huns had effected a temporary footing.

The dawn of the second day found the men alert and keen of the continuation of the fight. Of the officers that led the Battalion in the previous advance, Capt. H. RENDELL and R. G. PATERSON were the only company commanders remaining, in addition to the Colonel, Adjutant, Lieuts, WATERMAN, WHITTY, LANGMEAD and HERDER. Their plan of action on this date was principally supporting the attacking Battalions, and this they did with their accustomed determination. In the subsequent counter-attacks the Regiment took a prominent part and there are many stories told of the defiant stand taken in the village against overwhelming odds. In this latter part of the fighting some heavy casualties were sustained but a stubborn resistance was offered in every sector. Capt. BARTLETT just back from leave has a brilliant share in this portion of the battle, and he met a hero's death, leading and encouraging his men in the repelling counter-attack.

Perhaps the best general tribute to the steadiness and keen work of our regiment is that of the special correspondent of "The Times", who in an article on Dec. 3rd. says: -

"In my earliest dispatches in this battle, I spoke of one small unit of overseas troops having been engaged who did very well. It is now permissible to say that these were Newfoundlanders. On more than one occasion before I have spoken of the splendid material of which the Newfoundland Contingent is formed and there has been no engagement in which they have been concerned - and they have had some of the toughest jobs of the war - when they have not borne themselves gallantly."

(Sgd.) L. C. MURPHY.
London, S. W., England

Wed. Jan. 16, 1918



16TH General Hospital,
LeTreport, No 2 Ward,
B. E. F. , France
December 6th, 1917.

Dear Wife:- It's with much pleasure I write your those few lines to let you know where I am. Well I hope you are all well home. It is a long time since I wrote you or mother, but it wasn't because I could not. Thank God I'm feeling better now and can write. Only through His mercy I was brought through my narrow escapes, and I did have a narrow one, but you see God can bring one through all in time of need. Indeed the Kaiser had like to settle- but there is someone above him. I was wounded the 21st in the left thigh and entered hospital the 23rd. I was p the line 2 days. The day I got to the trenches I went over the top. I'm feeling quire well now. I'm marked for Blighty, so I'll be going to England soon. (D. V.) Remember me to my mother and father also grandmother to your family. Take care of yourself and don't worry about me. Tell my mother not to worry about me either. I'll be all right. I'm writing to my mother and father soon, I will have to say good evening for a while, hoping to hear from you soon. You will see my address on the upper part of this letter. Good bye, I remain your loving husband.
No. 3573

S. A. Hut,
3rd Convalescent Camp,
A. P. O S. 13,
B. E. F., France
December 12th, 1917.

Dear Mrs. PARSONS:- Your husband has asked me to write again saying that he is still getting on all right. He is thinking about you a great deal, and would love to write you often, but his position in bed makes it difficult, but trusting God on his account. We often visit him, and it's always a pleasure. God bless you! Count upon our prayers and interest in him.
He sends you his best love, and sends love also to father and mother. He is anxious that you should explain to then why he is not writing.
Yours to serve
Salvation Army

S. A. Hut
3rd Convalescent Camp,
A. P. O., S. 13,
B. E. F., France,
December 16th 1817.

Dear Mrs. PARSONS and Father and Mother:--
It is with a sad heart I write tonight for I know how great your sorrow will be on account of your loved one. I am so disappointed, too, for I felt all the time that he would pull through. I cannot express to you all I would like to say, but I can assure you that he was a good fellow, and therefore I can offer you the certain hope of meeting him in that Better land, into which no sorrow or pain, or death Can enter. My prayers and deepest sympathy are with you. May God bless you and strengthen you to bear it.
Yours to serve
Salvation Army
His thoughts and prayers have been with you a great deal.

2nd Canadian Gen. Hospital,
B. E. F. , France,
December 17th, 1917.

Dear Mrs. PARSONS:-
Words are inadequate to express my deepest sympathy for you in the death of your dear husband, Pte. W. T. PARSONS, whom I buried on Saturday. He was a brave, heroic, good man and well prepared to meet his dear Lord. His trouble was a "gunshot wound" in the leg, which was badly 'infected,' and he passed away very suddenly. Everything that doctors and nurses could do was done for Him, and he had the very best attention. However, the will of God ruled otherwise and he passed away thoroughly resigned. He was a man who did his duty for his God, his King and Country in the cause of a world's freedom from cruel tyranny. It can be said of him like his Master:" He saved others, himself he could not save".
We buried him in the beautiful soldiers cemetery where his ashes rest beside those of his brave comrades, waiting the sound of the Resurrection trump. I am enclosing you a photo of the cemetery near Le Treport, which will always be well looked after. He certainly died a Christian hero and heard the Master's welcome. Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord "May his immortal memory insure us all to a greater service" in the cause of humanity.
Yours in the bond of true sympathy.

Tue. Feb. 5, 1918



3rd Australian Genl. Hos.,
Ward C.5, France. Dec. 13, 1917

Just a few hurried lines enclosing this letter from your son, and although wrote it yet you can see that he has written his own name at the bottom. With the prayer that God will give all you strength in your anxiety and your son to maintain his sight.
Yours sincerely
Chaplain, C. of E.

My Dear Father:-
I am writing to let you know that I am a little better today. I had an operation yesterday, and the doctor took a piece of high explosive shell out of my lung about two inches long. I feel pretty weak at present, but I am not worrying for I have the best of care and attention here and am quite content to leave myself in God's hands, for He has brought me safe so far. This hospital is in a nice quite place and it is very restful for me. Write to me to this address, for if I have been evacuated to England they will find me. Fondest love to you all at home.
From your loving son,
This is the third time that Private David J. FURLONG had been wounded. He was through Gallipoli in 1915, was wounded in France July 1916 and wounded January 1917, and wounded December 1917. He is over three years doing hard fighting for King and Country, side by side with his brave fellow soldiers.



(Prepared by Committees of the W. P. A. at the Request of the Food Control Board)


A Economical Dinner.
Peel and slice raw potatoes. Put a layer in an earthenware or granite-ware dish then put a layer of raw sausage, then another layer of potatoes, then another layer of sausage, and so on till the dish is full. Cove and cook in the oven two hours. This is appetizing and inexpensive.

Canadian War Cake
2 cups brown sugar, 2 cups boiling water, 1 pkg. seeded raisins or currants, 2 tablespoons beef dripping or lard, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Put all in a saucepan and boil five minutes, then let cool. When cool add 1 teaspoon of bread soda dissolved in a little boiling water, then add 3 cups flour. Bake slowly and keep for a week before cutting. This is good enough to send to France and will keep for that time.

Cream of Corn Soup
1 cup corn, 2 cups cold water, 1 slice onion, 2 cups milk, 1 tablespoonful flour, 1 tablespoonful butter, salt and pepper.
Chop the corn, add water, and let simmer 25 minutes; then rub through a sieve. Scald the milk with the onion; then remove the onion. Melt the butter, add the flour, and gradually pour on the milk. Mix the sauce with the corn; cook thoroughly, season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve hot.


Prune Tapioca
2 cupful medium pearl tapioca, 15 large prunes, 1 cupful sugar, ½ teaspoonful salt, 1/4 teaspoon almond extract, 1/4 teaspoon orange extract, ½ cupful nut-meats.
Soak prunes and tapioca with twice enough to cover, over night. Stone and chop prunes, add enough water of the drained off liquid to make 4 and half cupfuls. Bring this to a boil with the prunes, tapioca, salt and sugar. Cook in double boiler for 40 minutes add flavoring and nuts. Serve cold with cream or rich milk.

Melt one tablespoon butter in saucepan, and when hot add 1 pound new and fresh cheese, cut up fine. Then add 1 coffee spoon mustard (dry) and a little red pepper and paprika. Stir until perfectly smooth. Pour off all oil possible. add about 1 cup milk a little at a time, and lastly the slightly beaten yolk of 1 egg. Stir until the right consistency and pour over toast.
1 cup lukewarm water, milk or a mixture of the two, 1 cake compressed yeast, 1 cup uncooked rice, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon fat 2 cups wheat flour, 1 large teaspoonful salt.
Steam rice with one half the liquid until soft. Put sugar, salt and fat into mixing bowl and pour over the remaining liquid. Allow this sponge to rise until very light. Add the boiled rice, which should have been cooled until lukewarm, and the rest of the flour. Knead thoroughly. This dough is so thick that some pressure is required to work in the last portions of the flour. Allow the dough to rise until it has doubled it bulk, form into loaf, place in a pan and allow to rise until it nearly reaches the top of the pan, and bake. For an overnight rising use half the yeast.

Mon. Feb. 25, 1918

Big Marine Tragedy Near Cappahayden

S. S. Florizel Goes Ashore in Snow Storm, and is a total Wreck

Seven bodies Have Been Washed Ashore and Identified.

NO SURVIVORS HAVE YET REACHED THE LAND- MEN SEEN ON DECK DURING YESTERDAY-LIGHTS VISIBLE DURING LAST NIGHT-STEAMERS STANDING BY AND WILL ATTEMPT RESCUE THIS MORNING-ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT SOULS ON BOARD. The S. S. Forizel is a total wreck at Horn Head, Cappahayden. At this writing seven bodies have been washed ashore, nothing definite has been learned of the others of the one hundred and thirty eight passengers and crew, which made up the ship's company. There is some hope however that the greater number are alive and on board the ship, but up to darkness yesterday no direct communication had been established between the stranded steamer and the shore, though there was evidence of life about the forward decks, when it was possible for the landsmen to see the ship from the cliffs, less than quarter of a mile from where the Florizel was firmly held on the rocks, about midships. This daylight will probably bring full news of the tragedy, as several rescue steamers are standing by and shoremen are ready with life saving apparatus to board the steamer as soon as the sea moderates.

The first news of the standing of the Florizel, was picked up by the Admiralty wireless station at Mount Pearl sent from the ill-fated steamer as follows:-


This message was communicated to Mr. F. Ellis, shipping Agent at Bowering Brothers at 5 a.m. and through him to Mr. Eric A. Bowering Immediately an effort was made to get in touch with the Florizel but all attempts failed either through Cape Race or the Admiralty station. It is supposed that the fires reached the ship's furnaces soon after the S. O. S. call was sent out, which put the dynamo out of order and stopped further communication. Having failed to get further information as to the exact location where the Florizel was ashore, or as to the safety of the crew or passengers, Mr. Bowering consulted with the company's ships' husband, Capt. A. Kean, and Marine Supt. M. MeGettigan, and it was decided to get a ship or ships ready forthwith to proceed to the scene of the wreck. The Reid Newfoundland Company and the Marine Department were notified also. By noon three steamers were ready to leave for the wreck, the S. S. Gordon C., Capt. Perry, the home, Captains Parsons and Spracklin and the Terra Nove Captain Kennedy. These were supplied with rocket guns, latest life saving apparatus such as floating buoys body belts etc. and carried special crews of Royal Navel Reservists with dories and life boats. The S. S. Hawks, Capts, Simonsen and Dalton also fully equipped with life saving gear and acetylene lamps for night service got away about three o'clock.

A relief train with Drs. MacPherson and Anderson and nurses, stretchers, mattresses, dressings; etc., was also despatched to Renews, the nearest railway station, by the Reid Nfld. Co., which left at 11.30 and arrived at Renews at 4.30. A special operator from the Company was sent along to "cut in" and keep the agents and owners informed of all occurrences.

The news of the steamer being ashore spread quickly about the city, and many and conflicting were the rumors that went into circulation. No definite information reached here until about 11 o'clock when a message from the operator at Cappahayden said the Florizel was ashore at Horn Head Point, was submerged aft to the smokestack, with heavy seas breaking over her and no sign of life onboard. Soon after a message came in the five men could be seen on the forward deck and bridge and several others in the rigging. The latter was soon followed by a message that several bodies had been washed ashore, including Capt. Joseph Kean, that the ship had broken off, and that no hope could be held out for the rescue of any of those who formed the ship's Company. The offices of the ship's agents; Harvey & Co., the offices of the owners, Bowering Bros., Ltd., and the Anglo and Postal Telegraph Offices were besieged by friends of those on board. No reliable information was forthcoming and in whispers one expressed to the other fears for the worst. At dinner hour it was generally feared the "All hands" had gone down with the steamer, and another mystery had been to many of the wrecks on Newfoundland's southern shore. At 2 p.m. a message to Mr. Cyril Tessier from a reliable source said there was every evidence of life, that the Marconi house was intact also the forward deck house and forecastle. Both masts and the smokestack were standing with the sea breaking clean over her and not the remotest hope of attempting rescue until the sea subsided. As the afternoon grew more conflicting reports continued to come in and were duly circulated adding to the misery and suspense of those who had dear ones on board. At 4 o'clock Rev. Fr. Doutney, of Cappahayden, wired Mr. J. J. St. John that the steamer was holding fast and the sea moderating, but that no attempt at rescue had been made and that no lives had been saved up to that time. At 6 o'clock another message to Mr. Tessier Read: "Men still on deck forward, sea moderating, two steamers in sight." Messages to Messrs. Bowring Brothers and Harvey & Co. of a like nature were received, which omitted a ray of hope. That there were people on board was further confirmed after tea hour, in a message from Hon. Tasker Cook, saying there was a light visible on board, and that the forward houses were intact. Later, however, Mr. Cook in another message to Mr. Eric Bowring, wired:- "position of ship hopeless; regret very much can't hold out very much hope". This had a disheartening effect and many who had been almost convinced that some of the passengers and crew were alive, gave up hope and returned to their homes, disconsolate and sad. This was practically the last message to be made public and was the severest blow for the day. There is good reason to to believe however that the situation is far from hopeless. Just before midnight the NEWS special correspondent wired that a light was visible on board the Florizel, and that it was probable she was signaling to the S. S. Home, which was close by. This being so it would be fair to conjecture that as the message further states, a goodly number of the passengers and crew took shelter in the forward houses after the steamer struck and kept under cover during yesterday while the seas were breaking over the ship. The five men seen now and again more than likely were officers and seamen doing duty in turn. This theory is accepted by many seamen in the city, who think that Captain Martin would not attempt to launch boats when the steamer struck, as it would be madness to throw them out on a lee shore and in such sea. The course to pursue would be to encourage the company to stand by the ship, and remove the passengers to the safest quarters, which would be forward. If such were done the probabilities are that some of the passengers and crew were washed overboard in making the transfer from aft in the excitement, which necessarily followed. Which accounts for the finding of several bodies, which drifted ashore. If boats were launched it is reasonable to assume that more bodies would have been recovers yesterday and more wreckage would have drifted to land. When the crash came there is but little doubt that all the passengers were below and asleep, the only life on deck being the regular watch. There would be a rush from the staterooms to the deck, without any thought of clothing, and many of the passengers must have suffered terribly during yesterday and last night from exposure, as there would be very little chance of lighting fires as the whole place would be saturated and it would be impossible to get fuel. However the latest news is fairly encouraging and today will no doubt bring relief too the anxious ones who are so deeply concerned over their dear ones, and as well to an anxious public.

The Red Cross lines Florizel, Capt., W. J. Martin, the largest and best known of our mercantile marine, left here at 8 o'clock Saturday night for Halifax and New York, with a very valuable cargo. She was not more than one hour at sea when a S. E. gale and snow storm came on, which continued in violence until midnight when the wind suddenly veered to E. N. E. and blew equally as strong as it did in the former direction until about four a.m. yesterday, rain giving place to snow. The usual course under such conditions is to run off land, but what happened onboard the Florizel us yet untold. To have reached this side of Renews at the hour he S. O. S. was sent out she must have made but very slow progress, and to get so far off her course may be due to accident to machinery, steering gear, or probably the loss of her propeller. It may be that she went ashore much earlier than the S. O. S. would suggest, and that it was impossible to send out the signal earlier. These are matters yet to be made known, but that some accident occurred in the general belief, as Captain Martin was looked on as one of the most careful navigators sailing from this port. His experience would direct him to keep well off the land in such a storm, and we learn the ship's glasses must have showed a downward tendency soon after leaving port, as they did in the city, when about 8.30 they took a sudden drop. That he adopted the proper course throughout will no doubt be made know by the survivors.

The steamer was build in 1909 by C. O 'Connell & Co. Ltd., of Glasgow, for the N. Y., Nfld. and Halifax S. S. Co., when launched was the only ship of her class afloat, being specially constructed to contend with ice. She was a steel screw steamer of 3,081 tons gross; 1980 tons net; 305.5 feet long; 43.1 feet beam, and 29.6 feet deep, and fitted with submarine signals and wireless. Since her construction she has been used almost entirely in the Newfoundland trade, and as a transport, having taken over the "Blue Puttees" in 1914, with Captain Martin in charge. Since then she has been engaged in the transport service several times, and on each occasion with Capt. Martin in charge. The steamer was values at about $700,000, and the cargo at about $250,000.

Up to dusk several men were seen waving handkerchiefs to the shore. Two men were seen in the Marconi House at 6 p.m. After that a scattered light was seen, evidently from a pocket flashlight.

An officer from H. M. S. Briton fired a rocket to which a line was attached, from shore and it fell on the forecastle deck, but before it could be grasped by those on board, it was swept off by a big sea, and then pulled ashore.

It is generally believe here that the majority of those on board are huddled in the forecastle, which is above water and safe. If so, there is every reason to believe, that those who can stand a little hardship will live until early morning when every possible effort to rescue them will be made.

It is pitiful to see people so near in such great danger and yet nothing can be done for them. The bodies recovered were either swept off the deck, or an effort was made to send a boat ashore, which proved fruitless. The bodies will arrive in town by tomorrow (Monday) morning train.

The steamer is apparently hanging amidships, and is swinging to and fro from the heavy seas that are passing over her. Some wreckage, cargo, and trunk belonging to Mr. Jas Miller were picked up on shore. the top of a hatch was also picked up. Dr. Freebairn is now in charge, and the people are doing everything by keeping fires and lights burning to keep up the spirits of those aboard.

CAPT. WILLIAM J.MARTIN, of the wrecked Liner

(From the Daily News' Correspondent)

Cappahayden, Feb. 24- The steamer Florizel lies a total wreck 250 yards from the shore off this place, where she struck between 5 and 5.30 o'clock this morning. Steamers Home and Terra Nova are now lying off outside, but cannot come close to the wreck. Sevens bodies have been washed ashore, Second officer King, Corporal Snow, E. Froude, Mrs. W. F. Butler, and three of the ship's crew. Nothing can be done until daybreak .

(From Daily News' Correspondent)
Cappahayden, Feb. 24- 11 p.m.- Florizel total wreck. She struck at Horn Head Point between 5 and 5.30 a.m. during a heavy rainstorm. The ship's position at present is that her stern is below water to the bridge, the bow is about eight feet above water, and big seas are rushing over her. People on shore can do nothing until sea abates. The steamers are still lying about a mile off the shore.

(From daily New's Correspondent)

Cappahayden, Midnight - two signal lights are now being used on board the Florizel, and evidently she is speaking to home. Boats will probably try to approach wreck one hour from now .

Cappahayden, Feb. 24.
"Just arrived here. Can do nothing from the shore. Terra Nova and Home lying off. Sea getting smoother. Expect steamers may be able to do something shortly. Seven bodies at station here, supposed to be Second Officer King, C. H. Miller, Snow, Froude, Mrs. W. F. Butler. Dark when we got here. Men still seen on board. Florizel lying upright, under water from funnel aft. Bridge dock and forecastle over water. Will do utmost to get rocket on board. Will wire later."

Cappahayden, Feb. 24.

"Have returned. Nothing can be done until sea moderates. Will have another try in the morning. Marshall, of Briton, put a rocket and line on board but got no response. Steamer Home launched a boat but she could not get within a quarter of a mile of Florizel. Some cargo washing ashore here. Have placed men on bank to watch chance to get to her,.if any offers. Condition of ship hopeless and regret very much that I cannot hold out much hope."


Constable Lynch wired Inspector General Hutchings from Cappahayden as follows.
"Six or seven bodies picked up, one woman. Five men can be seen on deck. No possibility rescuing them from land, only was is by steamer. Sea breaking over wreck."

Mr. P. H. Cowan, manager for the steamer Gordon C., received the following message from Capt. Perry:
"First at scene of wreck. Home arrived twenty minutes later. Went as near as possible to wrecked steamer. No sign of life onboard. Ship submerged, sea covering her over all but par and smoke stack. Going back at daylight. May have some bodies lashed to some part of ship. Sea mountainous. Coming back here saw some empty barrels driving from her".

The following message was received at 9.30 last night by the Colonial Secretary, Hon W. W. Halfyard, from Capt. Perry of the Gordon C., which had harbored at Renews for the night :-
"Arrived at scene of wreck 5.30 no sign of life on board. Sea covering ship After part all submerged. Impossible to get on board. West as near as possible. Going back at daylight.

The following passengers were on board the ill-fated steamer:-
FRANK CHOWN, son of Mr. Newman Chown, Prescott Street, city
FRED SNOW, son of Mr. N. Snow, bowring Brothers, Freshwater Rd. , City.
EDWARD BERTEAU, son of Mr. F. C. Berteau, Auditor-General, Torbay Rd. City
STEVENSON, (Roundripper)
RALPH BURNHAM, son of the late Frederick and Mrs. Burnham, Military Rd. city
W. E. BISHOP, Burin
C. H. MILLER, of the U. S. Picture at Portrait Co. , City
GERALD ST. JOHN. son of Mr. John St. John, City
J. P. KIELY, Manager Nickel Theatre, City
M. CONNOLLY, butcher, son of the former, Duckworth Street.
Miss E. BEAUMONT, Halifax School for Blind.
W. PARMITER, keeper at Lunatic Asylum, Southside Road , City
MAJOR SULLIVAN, Newfoundland Foresters, City
PATRICK LARACY, Manager Crescent Theatre, Saunders' Place, City
A. E. GARDENER, ex-reporter, Telegram, Britiannia Cove, T. B.
Capt. JOSEPH KEAN, S. S. Prospero, Victoria St. City.
JOHN S. MUNN, director Bowring Brothers, ltd., Forest Rd., City.
Miss BETTY MUNN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Munn, City
GEORGE A. MOULTON, Canadian Investors Ltd., Freshwater Rd. City.
C.B. MOULTON, son of the former pupil of Deaf and Dumb Institution Halifax.
G. PARMITER, Harbour Grace.
M. O'DRISCOL, Accountant Job Brothers and Co. LeMarchant Rd. City
Miss TRENCHARD, nurse to Miss Betty Munn, City.
W. EARLE, son of W. H. Earle, Fogo, brother of Mrs. (Bishop-elect) White.


GEORGE LONG, formerly of Rowing Bros. express delivery Flower Hill City.
A. J. FAGAN, caretaker Bowring Park City


THOMAS McNEIL of McMurdo & Co. Water St., City
F. E. SMYTHE, manager Woolen Mills, Military Rd. City
W. F. BUTLER, Architect, City
Mrs. W. .F. BUTLER, wife of above City
ALEX LEDINGHAM, brother late Capt. James Ledingham, City
JAMES J. McCOUBREY, Asst. Manager Standard Mfg. City Leslie Street.
JOSEPH H. BAGGS, Curling Bay of Island.
Miss M. BARRETT, City
EDWARD FROUDE, Manager Dicks & Co., City
ROBERT WRIGHT, of R. Wright & son City
Miss A. DALTON, ex-forewoman of the British Clothing Factory, City
JAMES MILLER, agent for George G. Carnegie N. Y., son of Mr. Charles Miller Chief Steward S. S. Prospero Mullock St., City
JAMES DALEY, Buyer, George Knowling, Ltd LeMarchant Rd. City


JOSEPH MULLOWNEY, Gallipoli hero, Wife and Child, City
MINNIE DENIEF, daughter of Mr. P. Denief of the Palace, Quidi Vidi road.
Mrs. W. WOOD
W. MOORE, Freshwater Rd. City


Messrs. Frank CHOWAN, Frank SNOW, Ed BERTEAU, Jack C. PARSONS and Ralph BURNAHAM were leaving for Toronto to join the Canadian Flying Corps.

Alex LEDINGHAM is a brother of the late Captain James LEDINGHAM of Ours, and a veteran of the Canadian Forces.

Thomas McNEILL is one of our best known citizens, and is married to a daughter of the late Hon. A. M. MacKAY, and has three children.

Mr. F. C. SMYTHE, the Manager of the Woollen Mills, has been living in St. John's for some years, and has a wife and four children.

Mr. W. E. BISHOP, of Burin, is married at that place.
Mr. A. J. FAGAN, Bowring Park, is married and has a wife and child.
Mr. J. H. BAGGS, of Curling, Bay of Island, is married and had a wife and family.
Mr. James McCOUBREY is married his wife being in the City.
Mr. C. H. MILLER has two sons in the city, his wife died a few years ago.
Major M. SULLIVAN has a wife and two children living in England.
Capt. Joe KEAN has a wife and two children.
Mrs James DALEY has a wife and several children.
Mr. J. P KIELY has a wife and two children living in the City.
Mr. J. S. MUNN's wife resides in Forest Road.
Mr. W. MOORE has a wife and six children.
Mr. M. CONNOLLY has three daughters, Mesdemes DODD, KNIGHT and ATKINSON in the City.
Mr. J CONNOLLY has a wife and four children.
Mr. W. PARMITER has a wife and four children.
Mr. P. LARACY has a wife and four children.
Mr. M. O'DRISCOLL has a wife and several children living in the City.
Mr. George PARMITER is a son of Capt. James and Mrs. PARMITER, Hr. Grace; was on his way to join R. A. M. C. at Halifax.
Mr. W. BUTLER, shipwright, is a son of Mr. S. Butler, shipwright, and has a wife and three children.

WILLIAM J. MARTIN- Captain, St. John's
WILLIAM JAMES- Chief Officer St. John's
JOHN R. KING- Second Officer, Arichat, N.S.
PHILIP JACKMAN- Third Officer, Renews
MICHAEL F. POWER- Bosun, St. John's
J. V. READER- Chief Engineer
THOMAS LUMSNEN- second Engineer, St. John's
ERIC H. COLLIER- Third Engineer, St. John's
HERBERT TAYLOR- Fourth Engineer, St. John's
CHARLES SNOW- Second Steward, St. John's
CECIL CARTER- Wireless Operator Hayti.
BERNARD J MURPHY- Assistance Operator, Liverpool
Miss MARGARET KEHOE- Stewardess, St. John's
JACOB PINSENT- Carpenter, Pool's Island.
FRED GUTHRIE- Second Cook, Liverpool.
J. McKINNON- Baker, Glasgow.
RAMON REZ- Messroom Stewart, Spain.
JOHN JOHNSON- Pantry Waiter, St. John's
CHARLES REELIS- Waiter, St. John's
JAMES DWYER- Waiter St. John's
ALEX FLEET- Waiter, St. John's
HY.. DODD- Waiter, St. John's
HY. SNOW- Waiter, St. John's
P. LYNCH- Waiter, St. John's
GORDON IVANY- Waiter St. John's
AUSTIN WHITTEN- Waiter, Saint. John's
STAN SQUIRES- Waiter, St. John's
JOC. C. MOORE- Waiter, St. John's
STAN FOLEY- Waiter, Grey Island
FRED ROBERTS- Waiter, St. John's
ML. DUNPHY- waiter, St. John's
ED. TIMMONS- Oiler, St. John's.
JNO. DAVIS- Oiler, St. John's
A. MOODY- Butcher, New Hampshire
ALF T. HATCHARD- Sailor, Poole, England.
GEO. CROCKER- Sailor, Greenspond.
GEO. H. CURTIS-Sailor, Southhampton , England.
JNO, LAMBERT- Sailor, St. John's
WM. WALTERS- Sailor, Trinity
THOS. GREEN- Sailor, Fermeuse
AUTHUR GOVER- Sailor, Trinity
CHAS. BAILEY- Sailor, Port Rexton
JOS. BURRY- Sailor, Greenspond
WM. MOLLOY- Sailor, Cape Broyle
WM. DOOLEY- Sailor, St. John's
JNO. POWER- Sailor, Paradise, P. B.
TORE SCARIE- Fireman, Spain
JOSE FERNANDEZ- Fireman, Spain
JOSE MENDEZ- Fireman, Spain
TOMAS GARCIA- Fireman, Spain
MANUEL TAVER- Fireman, Spain.
JOSE VILA- Fireman, Spain.
F. BEQUIRA- Fireman, Spain
E. RODRIQUES- Fireman, Spain.


Capt. William MARTIN is one of our best known mariners, and has been in the Red cross line for a number of years, being given command on the retirement of Captain CLARKE. Captain MARTIN has a wife and two children living in the city.

Second Officer, Jno. R. KING, whose body has been identified has been in the Red Cross service for many years and was on the Florizel since she first came here. He also served on many other ships of the line and was one of the most efficient and popular men in the service. Several times he was offered the post of Chief Officer of the Florizel but refused to take it always claiming it was a position for a younger man. A thorough seaman, he was affectionately known as "Daddy" by the younger officers by whom, like all passengers who traveled with him he was held in the highest respect and esteem. He leaves a widow and family residing at Halifax one of his sons being master of the Sable I

Carpenter PINSENT was a Native of Pool's Island but resided in the West End for some time. He was unmarried.

Chief Officer JAMES held a similar position on the Stephano when she was torpedoed and was also n the Florizel before, but latterly was master of the S. S. Ranger. This trip he was replacing Chief Officer TUCKER who remained ashore, being quarantined following the discovery of smallpox on the ship during her last trip there. He is married and has three children.

Bosun M. F. POWER resided in Prescott, is married and had one child.

Seaman MOLLY is a native of Cape Broyle but is married and lives in this city.

Oiler Ed. TIMMONS resides in Your Street and is married.

Oiler Jno. DAVIS has been on the ship for years. He is married and has seven children residing in Casey St.

Walter Chas. REELIS, single is the son of Mr. Hy. REELIS of this city and formerly a steward at the City Club.

Pantry Steward Jno. JOHNSON lived at 39 Gower Street.

Second steward Chas SNOW who was acting chief in place of Steward JONES who remained at New York to undergo an operation, has been on the ship a number of years. His wife and one child now reside in New York.

Walter Hy. SNOW, single has a brother and resides at 19 Field St.

Sailor Wm. DOOLEY is a son of the late John DOOLEY, butcher, and has a wife and two children in this city.

Walter Jas. DWYER is a son of Mr. Jos. DWYER and lives in St. John's.

Baker McKINNON is a native of Glasglow, but is married and resides here.

Butcher A. MOODY is married and lives in this city but hails from New Hampshire.

Walter Hy. DODD we understand was a son of Mr. Thos. DODD, cabman and was unmarried.

Walter Patk LYNCH is unmarried and resided with his father, Mr. Frank LYNCH of The R. N. Co'.s electrical department at Prospect St.

Third mate, Philip JACKMAN is a native of Renews, near where the ship was wreck and was recently married. He has been on the Florizel some Years.

Fourth Engineer Hubert TAYLOY is a son of Mr. John TAYLOR, shipwright and lives at barter's Hill with his father.

Second Engineer T. LUMSDEN is the oldest son of Mr. A. K. LUMSDEN of Jas Baird Ltd., and lived in Cochrane Street. He was unmarried.

Third engineer Eric COLLIER resided in Forest Road. He was recently Married to Miss Elise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. MOTT, this city.

Chief Engineer J. V. READER has a wife and two children living in Halifax. He was in the Red Cross employment about twenty-five years and is well known to many in this city.

Walter Stan SQUIRES resided with his father Diver Walter Squires at 9 Tessier Place. He is unmarried.

Walter Austin WHITTEN, single, is a son of Mr. Geo. WHITTEN of the Southside. A brother of his recently made the supreme sacrifice while fighting with "Ours" in France.

Second Baker, Jos. C. MOORE resides in Hamilton St. and has a wife and sic children. He served on the Red Cross ships before.

Walter Stan FOLEY unmarried hailed from Gray Island, but resided in the city.

Sailor John LAMBERT, married of the city is one of the best know of his calling here, and for years was engaged in the coastal service.

Sailor Wm. WALTERS, of Trinity, resides in the city.

Walter M. DUNPHY joined the ship only quite recently and was formerly engaged on the coastal boats, practically since the inception of that service.

The firemen all Spaniards resided in or near Brooklyn, N. Y. No particulars concerning the other members of the crew were available yesterday.

The stewardess, Miss Margaret KEHOE belonged to this city and was formerly on the Prospero.

Chief Steward JONES who is undergoing an operation at New York has been remarkably luck in escaping shipwreck. He was ashore when the Stephano was torpedoed last year and when the Portia, Miranda and several other ships of The Red Cross Line met with disaster.

Eight members of the regular crew were ashore this trip having been detained in conformity with quarantine regulations


Mr. W. B. GRIEVE intended taking passage by the Florizel, but at the last moment was obliged to remain ashore.

.Mr. H. R. BROOKS, of Job Brothers, also had decided to sail by the steamer, but owing to the vaccination regulation remained over. The same applies to Mrs. F. J. CANNING, who had booked passage for herself and two children; to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. COWAN, Mrs. C. McKay HARVEY, Mr. J. DOWLING And Mr. T. J DULEY.

Messrs. George KEARNEY, F. STEER, and W. E. BARNES were prevented from taking passage.


One of the bodies which drifted ashore, was early identified as that of Mr. Edgar FROUDE, a director of Dicks & Co. Ltd. Papers which he carried in his pocket gave a a clue to his identity, which was later established when city friends who went out by train were shown the body. He was bound on a pleasure and business trip to the United States. On Friday, when he learnt that he would have to be vaccinated if he left by the Florizel, he decided to go by train but later learning that possibly the officials at North Sydney would require him to be vaccinated there and preferring the sea trip, he again changed his mind. Edgar FROUDE was well and favourably known about town. In his younger days he was bookkeeper at Blair's severing his connection with that firm to try his fortune in the United States, where he gained a valuable experience in the book line. About ten years ago he returned and became business manager of the Evening Chronicle and when that paper was submerged in the Herald for a short while conducted its business. He left the Herald to enter the firm of Dicks and Co. and subsequently became a shareholder and director of that concern. He was an authority on current literature, was one of the best read men in the country, and possessed to a remarkable degree the faculty of absorbing what he read. It was the writer's privilege to know him very intimately for very many years, and he was one of the most evenly-tempered men we have ever met, possessing a sunny and most attractive disposition. The lime-light held no attraction for him, and his later days were spent in the company of the books he loved so well. Edgar FROUDE will be greatly missed not alone by those were his business associates, but by a large circle of friends in the city and outside. His has been a sad end, but the passing from time to eternity has come as he would have wished it, quick and painless. Mr. FROUDE's parents predeceased him. A brother Jesse is doing business at Clarenville to whom we extend our deepest sympathy.


Another of the bodies identified was that of Corporal Fred SNOW. SNOW, son of Mr. N. SNOW, manager of the Dry goods department of Bowring Bros. Ltd., who is now in England on a business trip, and nephew of Inspector General HUTCHINGS. Before enlisting, Mr. SNOW, who had just reached his twenty-first was on the staff of the Bank of Nova Scotia. He was en route to Canada to join the aviation corp. It was only on Saturday evening that he finally decided to go by the Florizel, as his uncle intended leaving by train, and it was only the fact that several of his chums were bound on the same mission as himself that ultimately decided him to go by ship. During his training in the army, the young soldier made himself very popular with his associates, and was very greatly esteemed by a host of other friends. To his father and relatives we extend sincere sympathy.


Mrs. BUTLER, whose body has been recovered, was the wife of Mr. W. F. BUTLER the well-known architect of this city, who was also a passenger on the Florizel, but of whose safety or otherwise there is no word. Mrs. BUTLER was a Miss ELLIS before her marriage, and has a sister married to Mr. J. McCOUBREY, who was also on the ill-fated ship.

Tue. Feb. 26, 1918



Forty-four survivors of the Florizel reached here yesterday, two of them being women. The drowned number ninety-four.

The work of rescue by the ships' crews commenced yesterday morning at 3.30, when a boat from the Prospero in charge of the Second Officer attempted to get a line to the stranded ship. They were unsuccessful, and returned to their steamer half an hour later. At daylight boats from the Hawk, Prospero, Terra Nova and Gordon C. simultaneously left for the ship. There was still heavy sea running, but by anchoring a jolly boat and connecting a line to the Florizel the work of rescue was accomplished.

The first crew to reach the stranded steamer was the Gordon C. with Captain PERRY in charge. Capt. PERRY let his dory drift to the lee side of the Florizel just about 6 o'clock, and succeeded in taking off five of those where huddle about the decks. After transferring them to his own steamer he returned to the wreck again until twenty lives had been saved by himself and crew. Capt. PERRY, however did not escape and came near losing his own life while engaged in the rescue. Rowing to the Florizel his dory was struck by a sea and capsized throwing himself and Naval Reservist BUDDEN into the water. In the accident PERRY was hit by the dory and almost rendered unconscious, while his partner suffered no better, being also injured by the boat striking him. Other crews who had witnessed the accident rowed quickly to the assistance of the struggling men and rescued them, a crew of the Terra Nova taking up BUDDEN, who was landed in Cape Broyle last evening by Capt. KENNEDY of the Terra Nova, and is being attended by Dr. KNOWLTON. PERRY was rescues and put on board of the Prospero, and upon arrival here was looked after by Doctor CAMPBELL and sent to the General hospital.

Two dories from the Hawk were also quickly to the side of the ill-fated ship being in charge Capt. DALTON with Royal Naval Reservists Daniel RALPH, Flat Island, B. B. and Michael WHEALAN, St, John's and mate Charles POPE in charge, and R. N. R. Stephen NASH, Placentia Bay, and Michael WOODFORD. These two boats did excellent work also, but at a disadvantage and in great danger, Mr. E. MALONE, who went up a pilot also formed a member of the crews, working alternately with Captain DALTON and Mate POPE.

The Terra Nova and Prospero also had their boats out, and the crews played a very prominent part in getting the survivors off. There was also danger of being swamped when near the submerged ship, and the utmost care to be taken to get passengers and crew safely into the boats. On one occasion one of the Prospero's boats capsized, throwing all the occupants into the water, including the second officer of Prospero, stoker W. ASHMAN and the two others. They also were rescued by crews from other ships. One of the Terra Nova's boats also capsized while the rescue work was in progress, and the occupants were thrown into the sea. They likewise were picked up except one Royal Naval Reservist, named QUINTON, who was drowned, and the body sank from view before it could be recovered.

By 8 o'clock all that were alive on board the Florizel had been taken off, 44 in number, including two women, though another drowning had like to be recorded. Major SULLIVAN, who weighs in at more than 200 pounds, missed his balance when getting into one of the dories, and was precipitated into the water. He was quickly grabbed by Capt. SIMONSEN of the Hawk, but owing to his weight Major SULLIVAN could not be taken into they dory without the risk of capsizing it, and he had to be towed some 200 feet through the water, before he was fished out, and then only by the genius of Capt. SIMONSEN who devised a means of "dripping" his out with a dory.

At 8.30 the Hawk was ready to proceed here and was followed by the Gordon C. and Prospero, the three rescue steamers, arriving just after 1 o'clock, having made a good run down the shore. When they were signaled, thousands of anxious people were attracted to Harvey & Co. pier, where a detachment of police had to be stationed to keep order and keep the place free for the landing of survivors and to allow the doctors and Agents' official to perform their duty. When the rescued ones landed they presented a hard-looking sight. All showed the effects of the frightful ordeal of the previous twenty-four hours, particularly Capt. MARTIN who was helpless and had to be escorted to a cab. Third officer JACKMAN, who was suffering from a broken nose and fractured jaw had to be taken to hospital. Ralph BURNHAM required immediate medical treatment, and Captain PERRY and DALTON who were injured, while engaged in the life saving, were also sent to hospital. The lists of the drowned and rescued were soon afterwards bulletined by the Agents, and the minds of those who had relatives on board and the public generally were relieved from the strain.

The following is a list of passengers and crew, giving the names of the lost and rescued :-




JOHN JOHNSON, Pantry Waiter
HY. DODD, Waiter
W. DOOLEY, Sailor
WM. MOLLOY, Sailor.


First Class



MR. STEVENS, returned passenger to New York.


JOHN R. KING, Second officer, Arichat, N.S.
J. V. READER, Chief Engineer, Halifax
CHARLES SNOW, Second steward, St. John's
MISS MARGARET KEHOE, Stewardess, St. John's
FRED GUTHRIE, Second Cook, Liverpool
J. McKINNON, Baker, Glasgow.
RAMON REZ, Messroom Steward, Spain
P. LYNCH, Waiter, St. John's
GORDON IVANY, Waiter, St. John's
AUSTIN WHITTEN, Waiter St. John's
STAN SQUIRES, Waiter, St. John's
STAN FOLEY, Waiter, Grey Island.
ML. DUNPHY, Waiter, St. John's
A. MOODY, Butcher, New Hampshire
GEO. CROCKER, Sailor, Greenspond
JNO. LAMBERT, Sailor, St, John's
WM. WALTERS, Sailor, Trinity
ARTHUR GOVER, Sailor, Trinity
CHAS. BAILY, Sailor, Port Rexton
JNO. POWER, Sailor, Paradise, P.B.
TORE SCARIE, Fireman, Spain
JOSE MENDES, Fireman, Spain
TOMAG GARCIA, Fireman, Spain
MANUEL TAVER, Fireman, Spain
JOSE VILA, Fireman, Spain
F. BEQUIRA, Fireman, Spain
E. RODRIQUEZ, Fireman, Spain.


Major SULLIVAN's Account

Major SULLIVAN who was up and dressed at the time when the ship struck and was going on deck to learn what caused the unusual rolling was speaking to Mr. J. S. MUNN and had an orange with him about 20 minutes to five. Five minutes later she struck an in ten minutes all the lights were out, the ship, the ship having settle by the storm so that the water flooded the engine room putting the dynamos out of commission. He had a pocket electric lamp with him at the time, which afterwards came in useful for the Marconi operator in signaling to the rescue ships. When he got out on deck he saw some of the officers near a boat all of which a few minutes later were broken in pieces by a heavy sea. It was here that Capt. Joe KEAN had his leg broken, Major SULLIVAN saw one of the crew, Messrs. MUNN, WRIGHT, C. MILLER and T McNEIL, going to the smoking house while he made for the bridge and remained there till Capt. KEAN had been brought up . He was in the wheel-house when a huge sea broke it in pieces, smashing the binnacle and wheel to which he was clinging and almost carrying him overboard . He then went n the lower bridge and about 20 minutes later a wave took all the upper bridge about fifteen in number, overboard. Several of those who had sought shelter in the lee of the saloon also perished. Corp. SNOW who had found refuge in the latter position held out till about noon Sunday and was swept away with a life belt on him. Sunday evening some of the passengers got forward and found shelter under the forecastle deck, and Capt. MARTIN and Seaman DOOLEY thought of getting a line ashore by swimming but had to abandon the idea as unpractical. A heavy gale was blowing and huge sea breaking over the ship all the time and those on board suffered terribly having neither fire or food. After the ship struck Mr. MUSS who had on pajamas and an overcoat left his stateroom, but quickly being drenched by the spray entered the saloon. Major SULLIVAN last saw him near the rail on the upper deck about 10 a.m. but after a heavy sea had boarded her he had disappeared. Mr. SMYTHE of the Woolen Mills had had his arm broken and was among the first to be lost. The loss of life was due in a large measure to exposure, most of the people being sparsely clad. After a sea had destroyed all the upper structure but the Marconi house is which over thirty had found shelter. Major SULLIVAN reached the fiddley where himself, Chief Officer James WALTER, Jas. DWYER, Ralph BURNHAM and one of the Spanish firemen remained till rescued. While daylight lasted, Mate JAMES signaled the shore with a handkerchief to let the people gathered there know that some were still alive on board and at night the electric flashlight was used for the same purpose. Ralph BURNHAM was handed in on the fiddley by Mate JAMES, which saved him from being washed overboard. During the night they kept themselves warm by hauling a piece of canvas tightly over them and breathing heavily also by stamping about. Major SULLIVAN was told by one of the stewards that Mr. McNEIL who came on deck when the ship struck and learned what had happened expressed no anxiety, evidently expecting the steamer to hang together till rescue arrived. He was never seen afterwards. Major SULLIVAN has been with hip up to 11.30 at night. When the bridge house was carried away Major SULLIVAN became entangled in the wreckage and was badly bruised about the arms and legs and later became caught between the side of the saloon, when it was knocked out, and some planks. From this position he cut himself free with an axe, which fortunately was within his reach. He was almost smothered by water and will be confined to his room about a week. His arms and legs being terribly swollen while his back is considerably bruised. There was no chance of assistance from shore and a dory, which was seen to be launched, was quickly upset. The whistle of the steamer was kept going as long as steam lasted and a large number of people collected on land but could do nothing to help. With the flashlight the Marconi operator signaled the steamer Sunday night and a reply was received that boats would be sent to the rescue at daylight. About 7 a.m. the dories from the Hawk got to work and directed by Capt. DALTON did magnificent work. The later is now suffering from shock as the result of his dory upsetting and throwing him into the icy water. From Saturday night till rescued Major SULLIVAN and companions had nothing to eat and were obliged to chew everything in the shape of tobacco they possessed. In attempting to board the dory, Major SULLIVAN got into the water, but was saved by Alec LEDINGHAM who caught him and held him. After being towed a considerable distance, another dory was secured and being tipped on its side, the Major who weights over 200 pounds and was heavily clothed, was rolled into it and saved. But for the promptness of Alec Ledingham in grabbing him he would undoubtedly have drowned.


Mr. A. E. GARDINER, one of the survivors, who was for a time connected with the reportorial staff of the Evening Telegram, gave the following report of his experiences to that paper yesterday:- The Florizel left St. John's at 8 o'clock on Saturday evening. The weather then was fairly clear, but an hour afterwards a blinding snow storm sprung up, accompanied by a S. E. gale, which made navigation difficult as lookout could scarcely see a ship's length ahead. The ship apparently running at a good rate and every precaution was taken to guard against accident. Passengers were all in bed sleeping soundly when at 4.30 a.m. Sunday the ship struck ground with terrific force, and every person on board at once knew that something dreadful had happened. Springing out of their berths those below rushed on deck, some being clad and other semi-clad. A terrible sight met their gaze. The seas were breaking over the ship, which was now hard fast ashore, having run on the reef for fully half her length. About five minutes after striking the ship's position was identified as being Horn reef near Broad Cove, the ship having grounded about 200 yards from the shore, full bow on. She immediately took a list to starboard, which rendered more than difficult any attempt at crossing deck or passing fore and aft. After the first shock, the vessel made three or four bumps, which settled her more firmly on the reef, and great combers swept her from port to starboard, carrying away the wheelhouse and smoking room in a few minutes. Twelve lives were swept to destruction when the bridge and wheelhouse went, including Captain Joseph KEAN, who had previously broken his leg in some way. All day Sunday the weather was mild and stormy, with mountainous seas now coming on board over the stern. In early morning 33 passengers and crew managed to reach the Marconi room, where they remained; the door was broken to matchwood by the force of the sea. Weakened from exposure, Joseph MULLOWNEY, a returned solider, died. His wife and child were onboard, also have not been accounted for, and it is presumed that they are among the drowned. The body of MULLOWNEY was laid out on the deck, from which it was later carried overboard by the waves. The remaining 32 who took shelter in the Marconi house were subsequently saved. Crowds of people lined the beach when daylight came, but could not effect any rescue work. Early Sunday morning one boat from the shore made an effort to get alongside the Florizel but was swamped, but without loss of life. Fortunately and no further effort was made for some time. Rescue work from the steamers now on the scene was attempted, but had to abandoned as the sea was still running too high for work to be carried on and it had to be put off till daylight, this morning. Only two of the lady passengers were now left the others having succumbed to the effects of the weather and exposure, or were washed overboard. Many dead bodies were lying about the decks, and others drowned in their berths. The Gordon C., Hawk. Prospero and Terra Nova were now rendering all assistance possible, and though no work could be done, yet their presence cheered those on board the battered wreck. There was no panic whatever. When the time came for the survivors to be taken off, the work was conducted in an orderly and disciplined manner. As the boats came alongside, the survivors dropped into them over the starboard side of the ship (being lowest owing to the list) one by one, their course over the side being assisted by lines. The most anxious time was spent by those in the Marconi room, as they were fearful of its holding on. Luckily it did go, and every one in it was taken off. Four men also were saved who had sought shelter in the oilers room under the forecastle deck. For 27 hours there was no light, no food, no fire, no drinking water, with the waves now threshing the hull fore and aft. The treatment of the nine survivors, brought along by the Prospero, were all that could be desired. Nothing was too good, and from captain to cabin boy each vied with the other to make the comfortable. The two ladies saved behaved admirably. Mr. KIELY manager of the Nickle, was in No. 2 stateroom all day Sunday, and was only rescued this morning. Two other passengers in the same room as Mr. GARDINER attempted to go forward, but on crossing the forehatch were swept overboard and drowned. Mr. GARDINER only saved himself by clinging fast to the hatch combine. Of the first class passengers only about have a dozen were saved, and and those of second class probably seven or eight. Major SULLIVAN leaped overboard and catching a rope from a boat was towed to one of the steamers and hauled safely aboard. Great praise is due the heroism of the men who had their boat swamped in making the first attempt to reach the Florizel. In the Marconi room everybody was cheerful and had it not been for the strength of the fastenings, which held the house to the deck, it is quite possible that not one of the 32 taking refuge herein would have been saved. Very little time elapsed from the time of striking before water commenced to rush in the ship and the corridors in the saloon soon became miniature river. When Mr. GARDINER left his stateroom he had to wade through fully 8 inches of water, which kept increasing. Third officer JACKMAN was badly injured his nose and lip being split in two and his teeth knocked out put he endured it all in a total way and by his cheerfulness assisted in keeping up the lagging spirits of the others.

When the Florizel first struck, Mr. GARDINER turned out hurriedly and told his berth mate that apparently the ship was going through ice, getting back to sleeping quarters again. Five minutes later he was compelled to make a bee line for the deck, his room mate unknown, in attempting to go forward was carried over the side by a comber which at that instant had come on board. Captain MARTIN was the last man to leave. The rescue work was carried out under the most trying ordeals of wind, sea and current. One dory capsized throwing its occupants into the water, from which they were ultimately pulled out.

The Florizel decks this morning showed a sad spectacle with the corpses of those not taken by the sea, lying about. Others were doubtless in their berths and it is thought that the larger portion of those missing were either killed or drowned. It was impossible to save everyone, as the after part of the ship's superstructure including smoking room was carried away instantly, and it was here that most of the saloon passengers had congregated. All the boats were broken to splinters in a comparatively short time. One woman was seen hanging near the rail and a man was lashed in the rigging. The scenes were gruesome in the extreme and everyone saved considers it nothing short of miraculous that any were saved. The sailors declared it was their worst experience, and those of the survivors, while rejoicing over their safety, yet feel deeply with the friends and relatives of those who were lost. Mr. Gardiner, who was lost everything he had, is none the worse after his trying experience.

Speaking to the News, Mr. GARDINER said he was resting in the berth when the steamer struck. He had been suffering from sea-sickness during the night, and was only partly undressed. When the crash came he fully clothed himself and went to investigate. Most of the passengers had by this tine been aroused and were making for the decks. The passageway was crowded and he was obliged to wait his turn. There was little excitement, however, until the decks were reached and the seriousness of the situation taken in. Then it became a matter of getting to safety, and practically all moved aft above the cabin to the smoking room. After reaching the deck Mr. GARDINER returned again to his room and put on an overcoat and as well took some cash and his watch from a grip. Returning he went to the smoking room, but matters began to look serious soon after daylight, and in company with Jim MILLER he made a rush to the Marconi room. He succeeded, but poor MILLER was caught by a sea and drowned. At this time Capt. Jos. KEAN, M. O'DRISCOLL, C. F. MILLER, W. F. and Mrs. BUTLER, J. McCOUBREY and probably 10 others were in and about the smoking room who were never seen afterwards.

"Reprinted courtesy of Robinson-Blackmore Printing and Publishing."

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Page Revised by Donna Randell

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