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Bell Island Submarine Miner
July 1955


General Plant News

Ore shipments from Scotia Pier continue to move out rapidly to our customers. During the first week of July 150,000 tons were shipped, the high for a week since shipment started this year.

Jim CROCKER, No. 4 Slope, recently moved his family to Bell Island where they expect to reside in the future.

Peter WHALEN, No. 4 Slope, who received injuries in an underground accident in June is reported to be feeling much better

Edward HUSSEY, No. 3 Slope, received hospital treatment in St. John’s during the month of June.

John PYNN, No. 4 Slope has returned to work following treatment in hospital and is reported feeling fit.

William PENNEY, No. 4 Slope, entered hospital for an operation during June.

John DOMINOS, No. 4 Slope, after a period of 2 weeks convalescence in hospital is reported to be feeling fit and is once again up and around.

Reuben LeGROW was taken ill during June and was confined to bed.

Eloil MERCER, formerly employed with this Company, has moved to Goose Bay where he intends to reside in future.

Henry WHALEN, No. 6 Slope and John BRAZIL, Mechanical Department, entered hospital in St. John’s in June.

Leo FOWLER, Construction Department, is up and around again after being confined to his bed through illness during June.

Fred ROSE, No. 6 Slope, is receiving treatment in the Grace Hospital, St. John’s.

Edward O’QUINN, Traffic Department, took his infant daughter to hospital in St. John’s for treatment in June.

Denis HANNIFORD, entered hospital in June to receive treatment for an injury sustained several months ago.

Miss Nellie FORWARD, former matron of the Staff House and now retired, visited friends on the Island during July and has since returned to Sydney, N.S.

We recently received a letter from former Bell Islander, Cecil BLACKMORE now residing in Galt Ontario. Cecil tells us that he receives copies of our Plant Magazine from his brother Hector on Bell Island and enjoys reading them very much. The names and pictures of old acquaintances of his bring back fond memories of the days he spent on the "Iron Isle." He is particularly impressed with the changes that have taken place in mining methods and ore transportations brought about by the Company’s expansion programme. He has shown copies of the magazine to several other former Bell Island residents now residing in Galt and all were especially interested in the construction of the Trans-Island belt conveyor system, which is now being used to transport the ore from No. 3 Deckhead to the Loading Dockets at Scotia Pier. He was pleased to see a picture of the Hon. E.S. SPENCER, who was for a time a next door neighbor of his when he lived on the Island. He is also well acquainted with Edward KENT, owner of the 1929 Whippet sedan, which was recently featured in our Magazine. "Cec" as he was most commonly called, extends congratulations to all those old friends of his who recently received appointments. He also expressed the hope that the prosperity now being experienced on the Island will continue indefinitely. We were pleased to hear from you Cecil and, on behalf of all your friends, wish you the very best. Thanks again for your kind remarks and good wishes.

Deepest sympathy is extended to the relatives of Mrs. William FITZPATRICK, who passed away at St. Clare’s Hospital on July 3rd, in her 39th year. Mrs. FITZPATRICK was a former resident of Bell Island and has been residing in Dunville, Placentia Bay previous to her passing.

Hugh CONNORS who formerly held the position of Timekeeper at Scotia Pier has been promoted to Shipping Clerk and "Mac" HARVEY who held a position in the Machine Shop Office has now moved to the office of Scotia Pier. Congratulations are extended to both Hughie and "Mac".

Corbett PITTS is back on the job and feeling fine after returning to Boston, U.S.A., for a check-up. He underwent a heavy operation there a few months ago.

The stork visited the homes of the following employees in June and presented
Leo GORMAN, a daughter on June 4th
Thomas POWER, a son on June 8th
Edward ETHRIDGE, a daughter on June 14th
Charlie HAWCO, a daughter on June 22nd.

Congratulations are extended to:
Mr. and Mrs. James BYRNE, who celebrated the 51st anniversary of their marriage on June 21st. Previous to being retired on pension, Mr. BYRNE was employed as Mechanic at the Piers.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. FITZGERALD, who celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary on June 29th. Mr. FITZGERALD was employed in the Shops Mechanical Department previous to being retired on pension.

The following employees also celebrated anniversaries in June:
Mr. and Mrs. Max STARES, on the 19th
Mr. and Mrs. Herb GOSSE, on the 16th
Mr. and Mrs. James QUINLAN, on the 22nd
Mr. and Mrs. Fred HAMMOND, on the 18th
Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’BRIEN, on the 26th
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BYRNE, on the 26th
Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM EZEKIEL, on the 1st
Mr. and Mrs. Frank JARVIS, on the 8th
Mr. and Mrs. Ron ETHRIDGE, on the 7th
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy O’BRIEN on the 22nd
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan FITZGERALD on the 29th

Congratulations are extended to the following Pensioners who celebrated birthdays in July:
Albert BUDGELL, 79 on the 27th
John LITTLEJOHN, 77 on the 20th
Jonathon GEORGE, 74 on the 11th
John VICKERS, 72 on the 11th
Fred J. BURKE, 79 on the 22nd
Willis SPENCER, 71 on the 23rd
Naaman (??) RYAN, 69 on the 12th
Mike REID, 68 on the 5th
William G. PARSONS, 68 on the 6th
Algernon TUCKER, 67 on the 21st
Nelson T. SHAVE, 67 on the 16th
Patrick T. MURPHY, 66 on the 23rd
John CAHILL, 61 on the 20th

Pensioner John CAHILL recently underwent an operation at the General Hospital and latest reports indicate that he is feeling fine.

Walter BUTLER, Traffic Department, who was injured recently in a non plant accident, has returned home from the hospital, and although unable to work as yet, is feeling better.


Deepest sympathy is expressed to the bereaved relatives of the following employees who died recently: -
John Fifield, Section Foreman No. 3 Slope, who passed away at his home, Bell Island, on June 26th, in his fifty-fourth year.
Nathaniel Hammond, No. 3 Slope, who passed away suddenly at his home Bell Island, on July 10th, in his fifty-second year.
Michael Dwyer, Pensioner, who passed away at his home, Beach Hill, Bell Island, on Friday, June 24th, in his seventy-fourth year.


"Reprinted courtesy of The Submarine Miner"
A publication for the employees of the Dominion Wabana Ore Limited.
Any monetary or commercial gain from using this material is
strictly prohibited and subject to legal action.



Page Contributed by: Coleen Murrin-Norcott-Pieczewski

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (July 19, 2003)

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