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Twillingate Sun

June 24, 1880

We regret to learn, through our Bonavista correspondent, that a very serious accident occurred there during a severe storm of the 15th. It appears that, while two men, Named respectively, James SURYERS and William TREMBLETT, were making for the shore in boat, she capsized, when the unfortunate men were instantly plunged into the water and were drowned.

The Weather

We have been experiencing very cold weather of the last week or two. On the 15th. And 16th., the wind was blowing very strong to the S.E. and was accompanied with heavy snowshowers. In the early part of the day, upwards of forty crafts, bound North, sought shelter in our port, and during the night, serious apprehensions for their safety were entertained by many, fearing that they would be driven from their anchorage. During the night, the crews of several of the schooners abandoned them, thinking they would have become a wreck, but, fortunately however, we have to report but one disaster, as a result of the violent storm. That was one held in possession by Mr. BUTCHER, of this place, which went ashore and became a total wreck. The weather still continues cold and disagreeable, and is much calculated to retard the growth of vegetation.


The following is the list of passengers per steamer Plover from St. John's for the North - Old Perlican: Mrs. MOREY. Trinity: Miss GRAHAM, Mrs. GENT. Catalina: Mrs. CONNERS, Mrs. SNELGROVE, and Mr. BRE [the remainder of the name is gone. Gw.] Bonavista: Rev. Mr. CAROLAN. King's Cove: Miss CURBY. Greenspond: Mr.TRED [the remainder of the name is gone. Gw] and son. Fogo: Messrs. DUDER, FITZGERALD [missing] & ANTHONY. Twillingate: Messers. C.[missing] and OWEN, and the Rev. T. NURS[ missing], Morton's Harbor. Exploits: Rev. JOHNSON. Little Bay Island: Messrs. STUART and Capt. CLAREY. Little Bay: [missing] LISCOMB. Seal Bay: Capt. PILL and Mr. BROWNING. Betts Cove: Mr. J. [missing]. Tilt Cove: Mr. and Mrs. E. WHITE and [missing], Mr. HOWLETT. Little Bay: Mr. GUZIL[missing] and Dr. STAFFORD.

Church Services

On Sunday last, services were conducted in the Wesleyan chapel by W. WATERMAN, Esq., the pastor, Rev. W. ATKINSON, being absent, attending conference at Carbonear.


A fine fore - and - aft schooner called The Alexander, was launched from the premises of Jabez SAINT, Esq., Bonavista, on the 7th inst. She is 43 tons burthen, very substantially built, and well adapted for the prosecution of the fisheries in which she is to be engaged during the ensuing season.


We understand that a new Chapel is to be erected on the Back Harbor Road, on land kindly granted for the purpose, by W. WATERMAN, Esq., for the convenience of the members of the Wesleyan body on this side of the Harbor.


We shall be pleased to receive the names of all intended subscribers to the TWILLINGATE SUN in this town before our next issue. In the respective places they will be received by the following persons - St. John's: Mr. A.A. PARSONS. Harbor Grace: Mr. E.B. THOMPSON. Carbonear: Mr. J. FOOTE. Heart's Content: Mr. A.A. THOMPSON. Trinity: Mr. Benjamin MILLER. Catalina: Mr. John SOPER. Bonavista: Mr. R.B. HEMLEW. Greenspond: Mr. CAHILL.


The fishery, in this neighborhood, has not been very good up to the present. In fact, scarcely anything was done until within the last week or two, when the run of fish is small. Some days the indication is fine, but the weather, on the whole, has been so unpropitious that it is almost impossible for boats to remain on the grounds any length of time. About Herring Neck and Morton's Harbor, they have been doing a little of late. Capt. BLANDFORD of the Plover, informs us that about the different localities from Baie De Verde to King's Cove, the people were catching a good deal of fish, but from the latter place to Fogo, very little was being done. Caplin have made their appearance in our waters during the past week, but not in very large schools. It is to be hoped that their presence may have the effect of coying the codfish along our shores, and that before very long we may be in a position to report more favorably in connection therewith.


The schooner Bessie, belonging to M. MUNROE Esq., St. John's, arrived here on Tuesday morning, between 2 and 3 o'clock, and after landing a quantity of freight for Mr. E. COLBOURNE, left for Little Bay about 9. The steamer Hurcules may be expected here tomorrow.


On June 6th., at Harbor Grace, the wife of W.P. MUNN, Esq., of a son.

Shipping News

Port of Twillingate. Entered: May 21st., - Constance, PEARCE, Cadiz, 30 days, W. WATERMAN & Co. May 24th., Mary Elizabeth, WILLIAMS, Liverpool, J.B. TOBIN. May 26th., Heroine, WILKINGS, Poole, 21 days, W. WATERMAN & Co. June 22nd., Lizzy Edith, HARRIS, Bristol, 23 days, OWEN & EARLE. June 12th., Faith, TREN, Cadiz, 30 days, WATERMAN.

Bonavista Note

A heavy storm of wind and rain came set on Tuesday and continued on Wednesday, when several boats were driven ashore, and, I'm sorry to say, that two men, viz, James SURVERS and William TREMBLETT were upset, while entering the beach in a punt, and were drowned. Some stages were blown down and large quantities of fish were destroyed. One man lost 20 quintals. The fishermen report plenty of fish yesterday, and today. Generally, the fishermen have done better here with fish than in most places, in the North especially. It is reported that on Thursday, a man was drowned belonging to Greenspond.


Contributed and Transcribed by George White

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (December 2002)

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