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Twillingate Sun

Feb. 1, 1884


The following are the names of the officers of St. Andrew’s Lodge, S.U.F., Fogo for the current year: Bro. Edwin, EDGE, Worthy Master. Bro. Rev. C. MEEK, Chaplain. Bro. Martin STONE, Secretary. Bro. A.W. HODNOTT, Purser. Bro. Wm. ELLIOTT, 1st Officer. Bro. James JONES, 2nd Officer. Bro. Geo. TORRAVILE, Quarter Master. Bro. John PIPPY, Lookout. Sick Committee - 6 members; Investigation Committee - 3 members; Financial Trustees - 3 members. No. of paying members 97; No. in arrears 24: Total 121.

Saving a Vessel (Part 1)

Capt. Alfred DEAN, writing from Seldom-Come-By, under date of Jan 9th, gives us the following particulars of the hardships and risk to which he and his crew were exposed, whilst endeavouring to save their vessel, which had been carried out of Ming’s Bight on the 3rd Jan: “I went to Ming’s mines in November last for the winter. Moored my schooner there, unbent her sails and took off her rigging. The night of the 3rd of Jan. the ice in the harbour broke up in large sheets, one of them taking the schooner out with it. About eight o’clock in the evening I was informed that she was gone, and nine men and myself went in search of her, but not seeing anything of her we landed about two miles from our own home where we remained all night. Next morning we saw her, six miles from the land in the ice. I asked the men if any of them would volunteer to go with me. Three brave fellows consented, James QUIRK, Wm. GORMAN and Martin BRINE. I got the loan of a barrel of flour as there was no bread to be had. The only thing I could procure to put water in was a two gallon jar, which spilt with the frost before we reached the craft. We started in a small boat and before we reached the ice that the schooner was in, we had as much as we could do to keep the boat afloat, nearly filling her three times.

Saving a Vessel (Part 2)

We were all drenched to the skin, we had no clothing but what we had on, and that was very light. About a quarter hour after boarding her, we were struck by a terrific squall, which threw the vessel on her side, giving us great difficult to reeve the gear and bend the sails, the latter being stowed away in the hold for the winter. We also found it difficult to get up her anchors, as there were thirty fathoms of chain out on each. However, we got the foresail bent and reefed before sunset. I then ran her for a large skirt of ice which was about five miles distant. I got her in the ice, which smoothened the water a little, but we had a hard job all that night and next day to keep her from cutting through. The men were thinly clad and drenched to the skin. They worked well and bravely. We had to take the snow and put it in the hold to melt for our tea. On the 6th Jan. we were jammed, and the old seals were on the ice in thousands, as far as I could see from the mast-head. We were then about eight miles E. by S. of Cape John. We got clear of the ice the same day. Next day we arrived safely at Tilton Harbour. When we got in, we had two fires of coal, no water, no bread, no bed or bedding, but roughing it out on the bare floor, which is hard times at this season of the year.


On the 5th Jan., in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s, by the Rev. W. PILOT, B.D., A.B. MORINE, Esq., Editor of the Mercury, to Miss Alice M. MASON, of Halifax, N.S.


At Herring Neck, on the 14th ult., Stephen, son of Mr. Wm. ROSE, aged 22 years.


Feb. 8, 1884
  Shipping News

(Following dispatches from St. John’s and dated 15 Jan) The Plover left for north 11 o’clock yesterday. The Sarmatian arrived St. John’s yesterday. Buyers and many others left by her.

Harbor Grace News

The excitement of Harbour Grace has somewhat abated.Solicitor General came Saturday and returned yesterday.

St. John's News

(Following from St. John’s, dated, Wednesday 19 Jan). There was a grand skating party carnival at the Parade Rink on Thursday evening. St. John’s harbour frozen over on Thursday night. No news of Plover since leaving King’s Cove Tuesday. (Following from St. John’s dated 22 Jan). Sarmatian arrived at Moville yesterday. Plover not yet heard of. (Following from St. John’s dated26 Jan) The Plover returned yesterday. Got within 8 miles of Twillingate; 3 days jammed; landed mails and passengers at Seldom-come-by. Captain reports large number of seals off Cape Bonavista. Plover leaves for Halifax on Monday.

Little Bay

Good work is at present being done here for the Temperance cause. Not long since the Rev. S.O. FLYNN started a Temperance Society, and I believe he has already upwards of 50 persons enrolled as Total Abstainers. May every success attend his efforts in the noble cause of endeavouring to save his fellow creatures from the many evils of intemperance. The Rev. Mr. FITZPATRICK, (Presbyterian) has also taken the leadership of a Band of Hope; and I think the good people of Twillingate and the readers of the Sun generally will view this as a step in the right direction. Mr. FITZPATRICK is a Total Abstainer. One pleasing illustration of this was his action at the Masonic Hall, which was held here by the Fraternity on New Year’s eve. On the topic of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales being proposed, he drunk his health in the pure cold water. This incident seemed to encourage the other cold water drinkers, who were glad to know that he was well as John BAPTIST is among the water drinkers. I am also glad to notice that Sergeant WELLS, late of your town, whilst efficiently performing his onerous duties, is doing not a little to diminish the drinking evils. Some cases of selling liquors without a licence has been detected by him, and the transgressors dealt with according to law. These cases will prove a great check and will have a wholesome effect on the community. I remain, Dear Sir, an Old Orthodox.

Little Bay from R.D. WALSH

Sgt. WELLS charged Henry CASTELL with violation of the 2nd section of the licence act. This being the second offence the defendant was fined 75 dols. and costs.

Death of Sgt. Fennessey

A correspondent writing from Bott’s Cove under date of Jan 30th, gives us the sad news of the death of Sgt. Fennessey. Yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock Sgt. Thomas Fennessey left his home on his usual rounds through the mines. Not being back at his usual hour his wife became anxious and called the watchman to go and look for him. About 10:30 at night his body was dis-covered under the tramway buried in snow. His tracks show that he had left the tramway track and was walking down by the side when nearing the bottom and while crossing the gulch near the lower end of the tramway, he was struck by a snow slide which carried him over a small precipice about 6 feet; his body was found head downward and quite dead. He must have been under about 5 hours. There was not much snow on him, it was the position in which he fell which caused his death, being head downward, he was helpless to struggle out. The place where he was killed was only about 10 yards from a house were a family were living and not a sound was heard by them. The Sgt. was an able and efficient officer and respected by all. His death has cast a fearful gloom in our midst. He leaves a wife and two young children. His body will be temporarily buried until steamer runs, when it will be taken home.

Twillingate Birth

At the Methodist Parsonage, on the 27th Jan, the wife of Rev. J. EMBREE, of a son.


Feb. 23, 1884

Newfoundland Arrives

The Newfoundland arrived last evening, bringing English and American mails.

Americans Purchase The Bear

The Americans have purchased the steamer Bear to go search for the Greely Party.


Robert ALEXANDER, Esq., died at Liverpool on Jan. 27th. Among other bequests the Will provides £2000 for the poor at Bonavista, the interest to be distributed by the clergymen of all denominations: £1000 to the Cathedral fund; £500 to the Church of England Orphanage; £1000 to the Sailors Home; and £10,000 to Miss ALEXANDER.


The Newfoundland sailed last evening, Biship Jones left by her en route to Bermuda.


The funeral of Mr. BARNES, Segt.-at- Arms, of the House of Assemble took place yesterday. Members of the House attended."


Married, On the 21st inst., at St. Mary’s Church, Herring Neck, by the Rev. J. HEWITT, Mr. John MUGFORD of that place, to Miss Mary WATKINS of Indigo Cove.


Contributed by George White (2002)
February 1, 1884 to February 23, 1884 Transcribed by Carl Hustins (June 2002)

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (January 2003)

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