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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
John Moores


Will of John Moores, from Newfoundland will books volume 15 page 293 probate year 1930

IN RE.          DECEASED


This is the last will and testament of me John Moores of Northern Bay in the District of Bay-de-Verde made this 14th day of May 1923. Being of sound mind and understanding but weak in body and failing in health I desire to put my house in order and dispose of my possessions in worldly goods in the following manner.
1st. To my wife Alice Moores I give and bequeath the west end of house also the two rooms over it, one rocking chair, one chair from front room, one bed and bedding if she wishes to take it one cow one calf one sheep. The cabbage garden in front of house, the stove in kitchen if she needs it. The plough, my trunk, my watch and enough hay to keep one sheep from any part of my property, and enough potato ground to sow one barrel of sud potatoes she is to hold part of house and land as long as she holds her present name of widow John Moores or if she leaves the place she forfeits her claim to house & land, also I give to her the back house for her use.
2nd. To my eldest son William J. Moores I give and bequeath that piece of land where my old house stood bounded as follows on west and south side by public road on east side Charles Puddister land on north side by boundary fence that seperates that land from my other property also a part of fishing property if he needs it for his use also the piece of land left him by his grandfather James Moores.
3rd. To my only daughter Virtue Walton I give and bequeath the picture of the Royal Family.
4th. To my youngest son John R. Moores I give and bequeath all my lands whatever or wheresoever situated that I hold and own in my own right excepting the bequests herein contained to my wife and other children his part or dwelling house, outhouses, fishing property, one dory, my tools, and car wheels, one bed, the sideboard in front room.
My wife Alice Moores is not to be hindered in any way in taking her own personal property out of the house or off the property.
I appoint my son John R. Moores executor to this my last will & testament


SIGNED in our presence who in his presences and in the presence of each other and at the same time subscribe our name as witnesses
James W. Moores
Hovey Johnson


William F. Lloyd

Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland


Written in the top right-hand margin:
Nov 4/30
J.M. Kent
Probate granted
John R. Moores
on the 4th day
A.D. 1930
Value of Estate



Page Contributed by Judy Benson, Sheila Tiberio & Transcribed by Lenora Cooper

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday February 01, 2018)

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