
Presented by the
Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
to assist you in researching your Family History

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These transcriptions may contain human errors.
As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.




Personal Genealogical Homepages in Newfoundland and Labrador

Please note these links are provided as a free service to those wishing to have their personal genealogy pages included here. It is the responsibility of the provider to inform us if their e-mail or website address changes. This is the only way we will know to make any changes. Thank You.

If you want your page added to our list, please e-mail me:

When submitting your pages for inclusion, please provide the following information:

1. Name of your genealogy website. (used as the title for your page.)
2. Two or three sentence describing what can be found on your pages.
3. Web address of your website (aka URL)
3. Name of Contact Person, if applicable (to be identified on the page).
4. E-mail address of Contact Person, if applicable.

From the above, we will take care of including your site in our listing of available genealogy web pages.


Various Genealogy Related Pages
Acadian & French-Canadian Ancestral Home Bay St. George Genealogical Society Brinston Families Worldwide
"C" Force - Canadian 1st Btn - Royal Rifles of Canada The Ellis Island Connection Family Search - Historical Records Collection - Newfoundland
Family Tree Group of Grand Falls - Windsor, NL Poole History Online Upper Island Cove Ancestry
West & Park Family
History Site
DNA Studies
Dan Miller

Personal Community or Family Tree Pages
Patricia Balkcom Bonnie Bartlett Julie Ann Bennett Ivy Benoit Jasen Benwah
Glen Bodie Gloria Bruce Jim Butler Joanne Connors William Coveduck
Wayne Crann Dawe Family Information Perry Doner Robert Ennis Bill Garland
Randy Harnett Brian Hennessey Linda Peyronel Hewett Ed Jardine Michelle Jones
Maureena Jordan Gordon Lane Stephen Lovett John Munro Chris Morry
Noels of Nfld Home Page Shelley O'Brien David Pike Kevin Reddigan Don and Jeanne Ross
John Rowe Carol Russell Judith Scott Doug-Smardon Slade
"No Name"
Gail Smith Mark Sullivan Jim Taylor Paddy Trehy Cheri Wheeler
Rowland Winters Jennifer Yetman Bell      

Page Last Modified: March 14, 2024 (Kevin Reddigan)

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No part of this project may be reproduced in any form
for any purpose other than personal use.

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